[December 3rd and 4th 2016 in conversation in a group on LinkedIn: Asked about a time meeting God in a dream twenty years ago and why I had not met Him since and then being invited to think about the wonder of a butterfly and what it says about God] ...The butterfly body amplifies life in that the movement of a tiny body acting on those large wings is amplified so it is visible to us and we see a gentleness and resilience there which speaks of 'life'. The life in the butterfly is the same life as in all living things and in us but is amplified in the butterfly. We connect mentally with it and it speaks to us of God. There is a Holy Spirit who would point out that the power or rules manifested in this life we see in a butterfly is a person - the person ancient Sumerian teacher-prophet-king Enoch (Enmendurana) called The Son of Man. Jesus said effetively 'yes I am the Son of Man' and is our hint from God to help us know God better now that this life has appeared as Jesus the Christ. Of course we need to let it sink in what Jesus was and is and will be now He has been born to die as a sacrificial lamb and risen to be Lord and Carer over all. It's more thrlling than a rollercoaster ride and healthy too and it's all true; Gott sei dank.
Jesus' words are the very source of life.
I remember the only time I ever saw the Milky Way lying on my back at night in the North African desert with no polluting lights to obscure it. Until that time I had never seen anything so wondrous. That was about thirty years ago. Seeing the glory of the power of Jesus (twenty two years ago) first hand was much more wondrous.
I really don't mind if I never see the Milky Way again because the wonder of it is still there in me and it never fades and seeing it again might harden me to it with over familiarity. With the wonder of God's visits back when they happened I have them still with me and they never fade completely but I want to rest in the arms of His love over and over and always see His wondrous glory and Son of Man for all eternity so much more than to see the Milky Way of this galaxy. I just want it to be in His right time. Like romance really but romance is just a pale reflection of this spirit life.
Meanwhile there is the groaning inwardly of suffering patiently the darkness of this world and the long wait of God's perfect timing.
But that endurance is to the glory of God. 'Amen' True. So be it.
It sounds bizarre but "Put down your umbrella!" I could live forever on those words. Words from Jesus Christ, living, into my mind in a torrential rain storm twenty two years ago just weeks after that dream when God the Father appeared and spoke to me. The things that followed the words were a precious gift from God to me showing me so much.
"Look at the trees how they bud and put forth leaves. They do so by the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. The planets ..." and it went on to make similar statements of mystery. These were the manifestaion of the Holy Spirit just weeks again after the visit from Jesus Christ and the visit before that from God the Father. All because I asked (after decades of asking and longing) to see God: The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It was all combined recently with a visit in which a spirit told me to look up a certain chapter (Daniel 3) and in a margin reference in that chapter was a reference to a verse I had been pondering curiously and the chapter answered my curiosity perfectly and this visit confirmed the faith In had just that hour come to.
But perhaps greatest was an unexpected visit when I was having a bath a time after my initial visits and preparing for church where I might be required to speak. Out of the blue came words like words in the Bible and a vision which came true and has been coming true ever since. God said (His words coming to me said) "Israel has sinned" and the vision showed me the eagle of surveiilance overhead. It was before the survelliance events leading ultimately to Operation Desert Fox bombings in 1998, and immediately before the start of police surveillance using helicopters in the UK county of Avon called Operation Vulture in, I think, 1995. So it was fulfilled these following years but starting just days after this prophecy came to me. God is dealing with sins of His people and like the word came to me in the bath so He is dealing with it by washing clean. This is by Jesus Christ the Great High Priest over the House of God. This is God's very own message. I must shout it from the mountain top.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
When you see those operations by military and civilian forces they manifest all sorts of discussions by officials and generals but when in contrast you see manifestations of the Spirit like the message about looking at trees putting out buds and leaves by Lord Jesus' name and authority then it is a pure manifestation of but one source that is the God over all in conversation only with His Son Jesus. [See, even today I receive the dew of my youth as spirit words given me in my youth I could barely discern materialise today decades later in real words of spirit conveying what back then was hidden.]
When you see those operations by military and civilian forces they manifest all sorts of discussions by officials and generals but when in contrast you see manifestations of the Spirit like the message about looking at trees putting out buds and leaves by Lord Jesus' name and authority then it is a pure manifestation of but one source that is the God over all in conversation only with His Son Jesus. [See, even today I receive the dew of my youth as spirit words given me in my youth I could barely discern materialise today decades later in real words of spirit conveying what back then was hidden.]