
Saturday, 3 December 2016

The Protector

Jesus so protects a believer disciple from the wrathful judgment He also presides over that He is like an umbrella so effective it puts the disciple in what is like a protective womb before birth. He stands effectively between a believer disciple and the wrath of God and intercedes so the believer need not fear when so protected. My recollection of scripture suggest to me that only He mediates this way. 'One Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.' It is what is called His 'Angel' (Angel of the Lord) which does this as was done for Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego who Babylonian King of kings Nebuchadnezza (as recorded in Daniel 3) had them put into a furnace of fire and there was with them in the fire seen one like a son of man protecting them by standing there with them. So fearing God and following and trusting God leads to such protection from the jusgments by men and kings too. And Lord Jesus Christ is king of all such kings.