To know God's voice you love His Son and get to know God's will by following His Son in step with His Spirit - and then by praying in line with His will and seeing His answers - "God is love" - and by loving each other and seeing how He helps in it - "he/she who lives in love lives in God" - then you'll know His voice by the love in it - love for you and for others like you - and by how what He says to you supports you in loving others whom He loves - and Jesus' voice is like the Father's voice in its full alignment with the Father's will and Jesus' support for you as you do the Father's will by doing what Lord Jesus taught - He practices what He preached.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Children of God
For people prepared to believe it happened, the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ shows the existence of a higher power who is fatherly to Jesus: The Father, God. Then for these people something called spirit, someone called Holy Spirit, reveals truth about Jesus and His identity as the Logos known to the ancients, whose name is in authority over all things, fully become a human being. These people then have power by this Holy Spirit and this name over all things to become children of God.
Saturday, 24 June 2017
The Logos of Whom The Ancients Spoke
Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher five hundred years before Christ came. He taught of the great Logos in the universe that is 'the account which governs all things'. This is extremely scary, when you grasp it as reality, but to allay our fears this Logos became a human, flesh and blood breathing man we know as Jesus Christ so we could know the truth without being overwhelmed by it. When this Christ died on a cross and rose in three days it showed all people the existence of an even greater person than Jesus because someone raised Jesus from the dead and this is the person Jesus called The Father, God.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Theology in the Sun and Moon
Surely you were told when young that the light of the Moon is actually the light of the Sun reflected off the Moon. God made the Sun and made the Moon and did so through Jesus the Son of God. Genesis tells us the Moon was put as a ruler of the night and the Sun as ruler of the day. God had the opportunity here to teach us some theology and surely God, with His Son, made the most of it. The Moon is a lesser light to rule the night because the light needed at night needs to be lesser to be gentle on the living things that walk in this nightly light or sleep beneath it. The day is bright already so a Moon would barely be visible as a ruler and the Sun can fill the sky with awesome rays. When God spoke directly to Moses and Moses spoke to Israel the awesome glory was too much and the people grew weary of awe. They pleaded to Moses to ask God to stop speaking to them this way. So God told them He would send One who would come, Jesus. This Jesus is like the Moon with lesser light and the light is reflected greater light of God in the face of Jesus the Son of God. So the Moon and Sun are pictures of The Son of God and of God respectively to help us understand.
The Wisdom of Honesty and Honesty of Wisdom
Is it wise to be truthful? Yes, if wisdom is about having the mental skills to enable living a long, full and best kind of life, extending that to include others where possible. Regard for others is going to be part of that - doing to others as we would that they do to us - so since we need people to be truthful in their communicating with us then we too would be wise to be truthful in communicating with others. Another factor is the power others, if they are in authority over us, have to curtail our happiness and even shorten our lives, so wisdom will avoid displeasing those with such authority and power over us. Of course that is most pertinent to the most authoritative of all who many call God who can curtail this life and the next and curtail our happiness and fullness of life even while letting us live now or in any afterlife. So pleasing God is key in wisdom for those believing in God or gods. This too entails truthfulness as do all matters pertaining to those with power over us who usually look poorly on our dishonesty. When we are made wise enough by God to realise God is truthful and hates lying we get to desire strongly to be truthful somehow. In John's gospel (chapter 8) we find a hugely wise discourse in which Jesus Christ describes God's primary focus on truthfulness and the wise counsel that lying and truthfulness are like opposing languages, lying being native to Satan and children of Satan but God only owning as children those who speak the language of truth and desist permanently from lying.
Monday, 19 June 2017
God's Nightmare
Does God have nightmares to endure? His are real and ongoing. Sometimes it is us. We can be a nightmare for God and for Christ. Here is how God put it through Isaiah the Prophet:
(from Isaiah 5)
A song of my beloved concerning His vineyard.
My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.
And He dug it all around, removed its stones,
And planted it with the choicest vine.
And He built a tower in the middle of it,
And hewed out a wine vat in it;
Then He expected it to produce good grapes,
But it produced only worthless ones.
“And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah,
Judge between Me and My vineyard.
“What more was there to do for My vineyard that I have not done in it?
Why, when I expected it to produce good grapes did it produce worthless ones?
“So now let Me tell you what I am going to do to My vineyard:
I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed;
I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground.
“And I will lay it waste;
It will not be pruned or hoed,
But briars and thorns will come up.
I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it.”
(from Isaiah 5)
A song of my beloved concerning His vineyard.
My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.
And He dug it all around, removed its stones,
And planted it with the choicest vine.
And He built a tower in the middle of it,
And hewed out a wine vat in it;
Then He expected it to produce good grapes,
But it produced only worthless ones.
“And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah,
Judge between Me and My vineyard.
“What more was there to do for My vineyard that I have not done in it?
Why, when I expected it to produce good grapes did it produce worthless ones?
“So now let Me tell you what I am going to do to My vineyard:
I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed;
I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground.
“And I will lay it waste;
It will not be pruned or hoed,
But briars and thorns will come up.
I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it.”
Bones of John the Baptist
Why, if a person were fictitious, would anyone try to preserve their bones? Bone fragments supposed to be of John the Baptist were tested for authenticity by scientists fairly recently. See National Geographic article: Rather than finding them spurious, the evidence of testing, even DNA testing, is consistent with the likelihood they really are from the body of John the Baptist. So it is plausible that John the Baptist is historical. This leads to the likelihood this DNA is from a very close relative of Jesus of Nazareth, his cousin, and therefore close to Jesus' own DNA, there beyond our world's reach, resurrected.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
John the Baptist; Saint Peter; Caesar Augustus. Real people? More ancient: Alulim; Enmendurana; Abraham; King Hezekiah. We each have been convinced by experience and factual knowledge differently , having been to different places, met different people, read different things. I have been convinced all those people are real. Even Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas of Roman times. How about Jesus Christ, God the Father, spirits such as the Holy Spirit, real angels, a real devil? We might be convinced of these when reading scripture and hearing preaching. The Holy Spirit becomes known as real to some when reading about the crucifixion and resurrection and true spiritual identity of Jesus of Nazareth; how the lifeless form of Jesus Christ, Son of God, nailed to a cross of wood hung there dead with its blood on the ground below and the water and blood from the puncturing of His side by a soldier washed the cross; how such death brought life for those who believe and let the spirit words Jesus Christ spoke change them into children for God; how Jesus, ever alive having risen, has only the purest form of God-given life within and creates a flock for whom He ever lives as Shepherd.
Saturday, 17 June 2017
The Spirit Gives Life
Not just bones but even stones can live when prophecy from God is breathed on them. John the Baptist, the famous religious leader from the first century AD Roman occupied Province of Judea, preached: "God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham". He was cousin to the even more famous Jesus of Nazareth who said: "The Spirit gives life - the flesh counts for nothing." This means we need not think it matters whether our biological heritage is good or bad; the word of Jesus is spirit and life and raises us from biological advantage or disadvantage to all that His blood has bought for us. When the lifeless form of Jesus Christ, nailed to a cross of wood, hung there dead with its blood on the ground below and the water and blood from the puncturing of His side by a soldier washed the cross, this body of death brought the beginnings of eternal life for those who believe and let the spirit words Jesus Christ spoke change them into children for God. This same Jesus, who is now alive having risen, has only the purest form of God-given life within Him and He creates a flock for whom He ever lives as Shepherd.
Friday, 16 June 2017
My own testimony is that as a teen I habitually lied and could not speak without adding lies to make it sound better. The church thought me a true believer and yes I had accepted Christ and believed that Jesus Christ is from God but the lying showed I was still not fully His. The church saw me as evangelist material and a kind lady sent me for a George Verwer OM weekend of evangelising in Birmingham UK. God opened my heart to Himself there and then a real evangelist spoke in the 'bull ring' shopping area with words written on a white board 'CHRIST DIED FOR YOU' and it sank home for once. I went and told him the words had sunk in for the first time even though I was meant to be already 'saved' so he took me into a nearby church and at the front he prayed with me and I prayed. As I prayed when my prayer was honest a holy power made my voice surge with unworldly stength but as soon as I wandered from honesty it stopped. I tried to keep my honesty to keep this power. I went and prayed and sang with the evangelist believers and over the whole weekend this power thing continued till I learned that truth sits well with God who is true and lies do not get His support because He hates them. I learned by this Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Will there ever be time travel? No. How can I say that? One of the greatest achievements of the medicinal science wizardry of our time was surely the eradication of smallpox. Efforts to do the same with other diseases might prove equally successful over time. Yet the eradication would surely become a terrible failure if somewhere in the future humans could ever travel in time. Humans are inherently unruly and tell a wannabe time travelling human of the future to never use it to go into a time and place where there was smallpox and they might just do it just because they can. Intrepid humans spread smallpox around the world nearly wiping out a large percentage of it a few hundred years ago and the spread carries on until recent times when the vaccination against it was made to succeed by global concerted effort. All would be spoiled if a time traveller went to a time before its eradication and picked it up and carried to a time since its eradication still in our past. Clearly it has not happened which leads to only one conclusion which is that time travel will never be possible.
What makes the city of Rome so bad that it is judged separately with attention drawn to its demise in Revelation in scripture even before it will happen? Clearly Jesus who said 'shake the dust off as you leave' of cities and towns who persecuted and rejected those He sent out to preach, to Jesus the record of the city of Rome is that it has killed Peter and Paul in the time of Nero and many Christians then and since then. Yet it is renown for the luxury fashion clothes it sells and the allure it has to the wealthy world rulers when they visit even to this day - no sackcloth and ashes to repent of its crimes and sordid past. The religion is not the factor here. And this is surely the same with the revived empires that once preceded it and will arise to support it again - not their religion but their persecution of believers in Jesus and the anger of God they arouse and the use God will have for them as tools of His wrath on the earth's destroyers and the sorcerer scientists and medical wizrds and witches and their followers and idolaters and all who lie and all who live according to instinctive human nature rather than His Spirit of truth.
Sunday, 11 June 2017
For Posterity
Having been a believer in Christ, what would I pass on for posterity - for those who come after? That there is a real Holy Spirit we have found to come into our churches. There are poor imitations of the manifestation of this spirit yet despite these decoys and distractions there is a real way we find He makes Himself known in real and beneficial spritual gifts that reveal the mysterious wonders of God and the marvellous name of Jesus Christ and how it is that Jesus is Lord. The simple truth of how He is given us from God is that we must first believe the message God has given through His Son and must let the fact of the crucifixion of Christ for us turn our hearts in hope towards God.
It is real - this I saw for myself - and it was foretold hundreds of years BC in prophecies of the Prophet Joel as starting to happen after one apocalyptic time (the centuries until Christ came) and continuing up until another apocalyptic time still to come soon "After all of this
I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your elderly will have revelatory dreams;
your young men will see prophetic visions.
Even on male and female servants
I will pour out my Spirit in those days."
It is real - this I saw for myself - and it was foretold hundreds of years BC in prophecies of the Prophet Joel as starting to happen after one apocalyptic time (the centuries until Christ came) and continuing up until another apocalyptic time still to come soon "After all of this
I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your elderly will have revelatory dreams;
your young men will see prophetic visions.
Even on male and female servants
I will pour out my Spirit in those days."
Friday, 9 June 2017
Not sure anything about the prophecy in Revelation of the Beast and Babylon the Great ponts to a religious element, perhaps more likely atheist. The Beast might not exist yet. Iraq and Iran and Albania/Macedonia/Greece are separate nations still (leopard with lion head and bear feet - the modern or future version of those three pre-Roman empires). While two parts are currently Shiite and Albania/Macedonia partly Sufi there is nothing in the vision to say their religion will be significant. Note how close the Greek literal characters translated 666 (symbol of one head of the Beast that revives after a mortal wound) are to the name of the tyrannical dictator of Albania who made it the first ATHEIST state and made religions a criminal offence with years of imprisonment as punishment - those letters are HXS. So maybe atheism will pervade this Beast Empire to come. And when it comes it will be out of chaos like the beasts before it. They arose out of stirred up sea and this comes out of Abyss too (Daniel 7) - metaphorically signifying anarchice consitions preceding it. Maybe it is this chaos we start to see appearing.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
A Nuclear World War?
Is Revelation 8 describing a nuclear world war? Some clues
- previous chapter implies a finality about it
- as such all believers are first sealed by God
- preceded by much prayer yet it goes ahead
- thunder lightning and blood symbolise it
- mystery symbolised by seven thumders
- with it comes hail fire blood
- burning of a third of trees, all grass
- worldwide poisoning of a third of all sea fish
- third of all ships at sea destroyed
- mention of a star called Wormwood falling and opening the abyss is reminiscent of Chernobyl (meaning Wormwood) nuclear disaster - perhaps a clue to us now to warn us of nuclear nature of what is coming in a way only we will understand today (so maybe this is very near in our lifetimes)
- the final result is darkening of sun and moon by extreme global atmospheric effects (as foretold first by the prophet Joel then reiterated by Jesus Christ
- previous chapter implies a finality about it
- as such all believers are first sealed by God
- preceded by much prayer yet it goes ahead
- thunder lightning and blood symbolise it
- mystery symbolised by seven thumders
- with it comes hail fire blood
- burning of a third of trees, all grass
- worldwide poisoning of a third of all sea fish
- third of all ships at sea destroyed
- mention of a star called Wormwood falling and opening the abyss is reminiscent of Chernobyl (meaning Wormwood) nuclear disaster - perhaps a clue to us now to warn us of nuclear nature of what is coming in a way only we will understand today (so maybe this is very near in our lifetimes)
- the final result is darkening of sun and moon by extreme global atmospheric effects (as foretold first by the prophet Joel then reiterated by Jesus Christ
The Death Problem
in various ways death is a real very serious and complex problem for humans - you get used to life and how best to live it and it suddenly gets snatched away - even if you try passing on lessons still death curtails that endeavour - you get a great teacher but then they die - you need a permanent help but God who is most suitable choice is upset with you for your blunders - you could have a mediator or priest but they die - you need a long living teacher mediator priest but even then you both die eventually and then you have to see what happens about being judged - you ideally need God to provide something eternal so you eventually learn to live but when you know the life of excellence can keep going - only a God who understands and loves and is real and eternal can help - and a mediator priest teacher needs to be just as eternal to keep that relationship with this God going forever - and death needs to be temporary - and survivable spiritually so you need the priest to have endured it - solved but a complex problem required a complex and costly solution
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
What Mankind Needed
what Mankind needed was a high priest of God and not one who would last but a few decades but one who would be unceasing so the people can live forever with God as their God - so God gave this man - the Son of Man - the one who God would never cease to love and keep alive - the one who is forever the firstborn to God - so Jesus is ever the high priest mankind needs to have God as the one God - and the sacrificial death provided for us by this highest ever priest is that of His own body and blood - and the resurrection back to life - eternal life - proved that He is most precious Son to God who raised Him - Isa al-Masih, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach - Lord
Sunday, 4 June 2017
Getting it Right
Bible Scripture nowhere calls Jesus 'God the Son' and this is because scripture writers focused on the truth that all things were made THROUGH Jesus but were made BY God. So Jesus is Lord and the Father is God. Since there is a real Jesus and a real God we should get this right and beware lest we be found to be false teachers in the eyes of God.
Saturday, 3 June 2017
Finding Truth
Search for truth: In the end of my own search I find there is a Son of Man in history appearing first in known history (the true history I find to be part of this truth I found) in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age seen in Sumer (before it was known as Babylon and lately as Iraq) seen in prophetic visions by Enoch who saw this Son of Man together with God the Lord of Spirits. Then later this Son of Man appears to another prophet, Daniel, in the same part of the world. Later again the Son of Man fully made flesh appears preaching in the Holy Land and known to us now as Jesus. So this Jesus is what I find in searching for truth and holds the power to make a person truthful and giving such people knowledge of truth that makes them ever truthful. And at last I find this Son of Man still is, now, despite having been crucified, so is resurrected and ever sustained by God and able to continue to set free those who hold to the teachings God gives this Jesus to pass on to us and there is a Holy Spirit who does this in the Name of this Lord Jesus the Christ. This Jesus knows truth and knows truthfulness and imparts it to the true followers.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
He Had Come
Even after he was a fully grown adult even his natural brothers still took him to be ordinary - all until things people had longed for for centuries were starting to be seen in him as he turned water into wine and spoke words like nobody else could speak and commanded human-possessing spirits to leave their victims and they conceded. This was the long expected person appearing before their eyes in someone they all thought a nobody. Yet it was some time yet before they would realise fully who he was, the Son of Man known of from Sumerian times who had always been with God and was now there with men.
Ultimate Judgment
People don't like it that there is judgment. There has to be someone who judges all things and everyone. There is just so much wickedness. Fortunately the creator of all things does it and does it justly. He expects all things to adhere to what is commanded of it the Son of Man's name. If it will not by the time of judgment then the judgment will fall on it. Everything in nature has to abide by this physically but humans have to obey spiritually and in mind and heart too. That is why it was so bad that they crucified this Son of Man. That is why it means so much that God resurrected Him.
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