
Wednesday, 7 June 2017

A Nuclear World War?

Is Revelation 8 describing a nuclear world war? Some clues
- previous chapter implies a finality about it
- as such all believers are first sealed by God
- preceded by much prayer yet it goes ahead
- thunder lightning and blood symbolise it
- mystery symbolised by seven thumders
- with it comes hail fire blood
- burning of a third of trees, all grass
- worldwide poisoning of a third of all sea fish
- third of all ships at sea destroyed
- mention of a star called Wormwood falling and opening the abyss is reminiscent of Chernobyl (meaning Wormwood) nuclear disaster - perhaps a clue to us now to warn us of nuclear nature of what is coming in a way only we will understand today (so maybe this is very near in our lifetimes)
- the final result is darkening of sun and moon by extreme global atmospheric effects (as foretold first by the prophet Joel then reiterated by Jesus Christ