
Saturday, 3 June 2017

Finding Truth

Search for truth: In the end of my own search I find there is a Son of Man in history appearing first in known history (the true history I find to be part of this truth I found) in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age seen in Sumer (before it was known as Babylon and lately as Iraq) seen in prophetic visions by Enoch who saw this Son of Man together with God the Lord of Spirits. Then later this Son of Man appears to another prophet, Daniel, in the  same part of the world. Later again the Son of Man fully made flesh appears preaching in the Holy Land and known to us now as Jesus. So this Jesus is what I find in searching for truth and holds the power to make a person truthful and giving such people knowledge of truth that makes them ever truthful. And at last I find this Son of Man still is, now, despite having been crucified, so is resurrected and ever sustained by God and able to continue to set free those who hold to the teachings God gives this Jesus to pass on to us and there is a Holy Spirit who does this in the Name of this Lord Jesus the Christ. This Jesus knows truth and knows truthfulness and imparts it to the true followers.