
Friday, 16 June 2017


My own testimony is that as a teen I habitually lied and could not speak without adding lies to make it sound better. The church thought me a true believer and yes I had accepted Christ and believed that Jesus Christ is from God but the lying showed I was still not fully His. The church saw me as evangelist material and a kind lady sent me for a George Verwer OM weekend of evangelising in Birmingham UK. God opened my heart to Himself there and then a real evangelist spoke in the 'bull ring' shopping area with words written on a white board 'CHRIST DIED FOR YOU' and it sank home for once. I went and told him the words had sunk in for the first time even though I was meant to be already 'saved' so he took me into a nearby church and at the front he prayed with me and I prayed. As I prayed when my prayer was honest a holy power made my voice surge with unworldly stength but as soon as I wandered from honesty it stopped. I tried to keep my honesty to keep this power. I went and prayed and sang with the evangelist believers and over the whole weekend this power thing continued till I learned that truth sits well with God who is true and lies do not get His support because He hates them. I learned by this Holy Spirit.