
Monday, 24 July 2017

Becoming Children of God

There is a Holy Spirit and there are spirit words of Jesus and there is a living Lord Jesus and living God who sent Him and all give truth to a follower and true disciple who holds onto what is given. This transforms the disciple making them put aside sins and let the truth free them from the sins they cannot put aside; so this disciple is being made something they were not before and they are being made into it by the real truth of the real living God. As it all takes over and changes them into a saint they are only a saint because God is giving them through Jesus and the Holy Spirit real truth to live by. This saintliness they acquire is conforming to the real holiness of God. So in this sense they are becoming a child of God. One sin will nor undo all that but it undermines what God's truth is doing so those who love God and His works and truth will seek their restoration because God's love keeps increasing His saving influence. God will restore His work in them as disciples pray for them. Jesus too ever lives to pray for them and give more grace.