
Sunday, 16 July 2017

Look at the trees

Trees glorious trees. They can look majestic. In ages past and still today the Holy Spirit tells of a great power causing, governing, authorising their growth and their budding and coming into leaf. The ancient Greek sages like Heraclitus understood it as the Logos and an ancient prophetic book called the Book of Enoch taught it too and it was translated into English as being called 'the Oath' and is associated by divine wisdom with the name above all names given to any human which is the name of the Son of Man, called Lord because He is not quite the Most High yet was ever there with God. John the Apostle tells how, becoming flesh, this person we know as Jesus Christ is second only to God and was with God when God the Most High made all things through Him. He is now again with God having died and risen to be alive forever. So struggle to understand it as it must be true because it comes from the Holy Spirit given by the Holy Most High God, that these trees all have their authority to grow each year as an authority of this Lordship which God from before time itself gave Jesus Christ before He became flesh and now anew because He died, killed by humans like us, and is alive again by God's power. Yes all nature works according to the authority of Jesus Christ's name as The Lord.