
Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Fellowship of the Holy Spirit

There is a phenomenon called fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We find ourselves part of something bigger than us that imparts peace and power into us and frees us when we do certain things where with gel with this Spirit and other things we do jar with this Spirit and with eachother when we are being open to this Holy Spirit. We can tell what jars and what pleases this Spirit because we can tell that what jars with this Spirit reduces the sense of freedom and power and loving kindness and peace but what pleases the Holy Spirit enhances the fellowship and increases the freedom within and the power and the peace and joy. So we learn holiness this way and can believe it is the holiness of God we are learning as His name is sanctified in us. It is a holiness that does not endorse lies and egoistic boasting and hiding of sin but loves and empowers truth telling and confession in truth of sin and admission of weakness. Jesus too learned like this how to please His Father and was disciplned by God to do what is perfect in God's eyes even though He did not ever actually sin. He learned the honesty of His own will but eventually to put God's above His own will, even though insisting on asking for what He earnestly wanted would not have been sin, it just would not have been perfect and God His God and Father is perfect and desires perfection in those who loves as sons (or daughters). Jesus doing this unto death assures us He is now perfect and so all the glory shown to us by Him is God's own glory and perfectly God-like holiness.