The blood of the Lamb of God made a huge impact on the way things are by creating a whole new covenant - it was so effective - yet the error of men and women who know this is to think God, The LORD, has changed - God is ever the same - past, present and eternal future and does not change - yet the efficacy of the blood shed when Jesus of Nazareth - Lamb of God - Son of Man - Son of God - now risen Lord and Christ - the power of that blood sacrificed and the new covenant it creates does set aside the old covenant needed before God provided the Lamb - so the old covenant is indeed now old. What people who believe in the blood of the Lamb of God to create a new covenant should now do is to set aside old ways and embrace and adhere to the testimony of the apostles who told of Jesus and of what this Lamb of God accomplished by enduring the cross and to be united with this Christ, Messiah, they should be baptised into Jesus Christ's teachings and then follow the Holy Spirit sent to us by God when we believe. This is the new covenant leading to salvation from eternal damnation. And God's and Jesus' grace and peace be with you.