The power of the Cross of Christ makes the Law and Old Covenant look weak. Using a topical analogy from recent news, a hydrogen bomb is so much more powerful than an atomic bomb we might say there is little place left for atomic bombs now the newer hydrogen bombs are here. Atomic bombs still exist though; they just have to stand aside now hydrogen bombs are here. Why focus on such devastating power? There is a mighty weapon in God's arsenal that outweighs the power of the Law He gave to Moses on tablets of stone - it is what gives God supreme power to be both merciful and just - the power of His Son's shed blood - the blood of the Son of Man from Heaven shed for sins. It makes the Law and Old Covenant look weak. He always planned it and now it is unleashed. Thank God or else we might all die when a plague like Ebola comes along. Its power I believe halted that disease's path from going global. It makes mercy real and viable despite what humans do worldwide in hating and destroying all God has made. It has effect on delaying damnation long enough to give time for a true Church of God, People of God to grow. It can save each of us who believes from the power of sin in our lives. Thank God He brought about this power. Invoke it in intercession for everyone when terrible times threaten us all.