
Wednesday, 20 September 2017

What We Most Need To Know

It is written: There is one God and one mediator between God and man - the man Christ Jesus (Yeshua ha-Mashiach). Notice that was not written "the God Christ Jesus" but "the man Christ Jesus". He is proclaimed as man. He is a man. That is so important for our hope. Unless we ascribe to Jesus, Lord Jesus, that He is a man, The Son of Man, and believe it, we will die in our sins. (John 8.) We humans tend to get ourselves caught in a sin that is a sin causing deadly wrath from God so we need freedom from such sins and believing Jesus (Yeshua) is the Son of Man then holding to His teachings is our escape route. Denying such sin is no escape route. Son of Man means was and is and will be like us and has become human for us. This means able to understand our state and how we can be freed from gravely serious sin so we do not die in it. We cannot afford to die in our sins because that leaves us only to face the Judgement as grievous sinners. Plus it can be a sooner death if the sin grieves and angers God too much as serious sins tend to do. We need this Son of Man as our mediator with God. He really is human so He knows our state but He really knows God too. The truth is what He knows we need to know to be set free. Believe in this man and follow His teachings and teachings from Him the Holy Spirit brings.