Many are putting the Book of Enoch into general awareness as scripture through social media, like printer publishers did with the KJV in the past. According to this it was a commercial printer publisher decision to print KJV Bibles without the Apocrypha books - to make them cheaper. Now that all books of Bible are free online it is up to us through social media to determine which scriptures people choose to read and choose to mention in churches - many churches will be influenced to include what their members want because they will need to compete with social media. We are in a social revolution similar to that of the printing press that led centuries ago to scriptures being read in English and modern languages in churches instead of in Latin. We can lead through social media like publishers led churches of the past centuries more powerfully than church officialdom. Let not the blind lead the blind but let the Holy Spirit lead us all - from the grass roots, as Enoch and Daniel prophesied.