I always kept an open mind about Revelation, The Apocalypse, knowing it says dire things, yet never hearing anyone back it up or express certainty about it, so I admitted to God I was not certain it was authentic - not that I refused to believe it - I just did not have it in me to be certain. After all it is dire what it says in 21:8. And there is weird stuff all through it. I needed to be sure and asked God about it. A friend pointed out the similarity between Rev 13 and Daniel 7 - the Beast in Rev and empires prophesied in Daniel and I suddenly saw what they meant and just knew in my heart the same Spirit inspiring Daniel with the dream (and we know it came true with Babylon followed by Persia then Greece) was the inspirer of Jesus showing John what would take place yet still. The continuity was there. I believed it - after decades of reading it I was sure. Then to see Enoch reflected in it too - it is so profound it could only be God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit behind it as behind Enoch and then Daniel too.