
Monday, 11 December 2017

Brightest Lights of the Fara Period

How did the writings we have today in the Book of Enoch survive the 'Noah's Flood'? Well another book surviving the flood might give a clue - this book got written down again not long after the flood by a scribal priest and two copies from that time - extant copies - still survive in museums in Oxford and Chicago - The Instructions of Sharappak - written record of proverbs passed on from Lamech to Noah - so either Noah remembered them or copies survived the flood - perhaps the cities from before the flood like Methuselah's capital Shurappak were excavated when being rebuilt after the flood (the city of Sharappak site Tel Fara shows the flood layer and rebuilding on top of it and Sumerian history backs this up) - Noah would have known this city well and that it held libraries of books from before the flood (it is still famous for them and this gave that period the characteristics of first book writing so the period is now known as the Fara Period).