The Book of Enoch is a very ancient set of scripture texts with a clear theme about the quality of the teachings we receive to guide our lives and nourish our souls. Consider the rainfall. When we want pure water and there is no running clean river or tap water, we can collect and drink rainfall because it is usually clean and relatively unpolluted. Consider our need for pure teachings. Enoch warns that the history of worldly teachings and science has been marred by human lust for harmful learning and fallen angels taking advantage of us. We so so need clean unpolluted teachings for the soul and to guide our ways of living. The Parable sections of the Book of Enoch tell of a Son of Man hidden by God in heaven who only learned from God the most unpolluted teachings and was kept pure by God as a Son and chosen one who would not be contaminated by the world or fallen angels but would just learn from God Himself and the Holy Spirit. So we can look to seek out the teachings of this Son of Man since Jesus has told us it is Himself and we can have that teaching within us like unpolluted rainfall when truly clean water is in scarce supply and all around us is impure and defiles the soul of any who learn from it. Instead of learning from a crazy world we can learn instead from the Christ who only learns from God being hidden by God through all time until the time He became flesh on earth.