There exists in the Book of Enoch a section called the Parables (or Book of Parables or Similitudes) which make much mention of the Son of Man. This Son of Man is also called the Anointed One. He will sit with God on God's throne and was with God from before creation. It is quite well known that the Dead Sea Scrolls although including much of the Book of Enoch, do not yet appear to include fragments from this section. Were it not for the testimony of the Christ Himself and of God from heaven and the first hand testimonies of those having seen these things, many would not believe solely on the basis of the Book of Enoch Parables but add them to these testimonies and they all fit like a jigsaw puzzle in which the more pieces of the puzzle you have the clearer the picture of Christ you get. Ultimately you also need knowledge of the power of God to be able to combine it all with faith. Yet the believer who is believing based on these testimonies gets so much more joy when reading Enoch's Parables. It points the reader of other scriptures too (Daniel, Isaiah, Revelation) in the right direction in how the Son of Man, the Christ is seen in these.
Yet it is clear to me that Christ used knowledge already present of the existence of the supernatural Son of Man which is there in Daniel but must have been around in other forms given the extreme confidence with which the Christ spoke of this Son of Man and with which He expected His meaning to be understood and to me this is ample evidence of there being writings available and known at the time to His audience such as the Book of Enoch Parables. It is only a matter of time before they surface as physical evidence too.
Remember when planets are discovered they might be only detected at first by the gravitational affect of them on other planets long before they are actually seen through telescopes. So with the prophecy of the Son of Man which we see by its affects on Jesus' teachings. Enoch's Parables fit this perfectly so it seems highly likely they were in circulation at Jesus' time. Whether factors will lead to physical artefact evidence being suppressed - yes it is likely it will do even if it has not done so already.
Following the same line of reasoning, there is a gap in the underatanding Daniel showed of his experience of the man (Son of Man) recorded in chapters 7 to 11 where it is clear he had some awareness of who it was and expected some readers to have this awareness yet where that awareness came from is hidden - and here again the existence of the Enoch Parables in Daniel's time (available to Daniel and his readers) would perfectly fit this gap.
Yet it is clear to me that Christ used knowledge already present of the existence of the supernatural Son of Man which is there in Daniel but must have been around in other forms given the extreme confidence with which the Christ spoke of this Son of Man and with which He expected His meaning to be understood and to me this is ample evidence of there being writings available and known at the time to His audience such as the Book of Enoch Parables. It is only a matter of time before they surface as physical evidence too.
Remember when planets are discovered they might be only detected at first by the gravitational affect of them on other planets long before they are actually seen through telescopes. So with the prophecy of the Son of Man which we see by its affects on Jesus' teachings. Enoch's Parables fit this perfectly so it seems highly likely they were in circulation at Jesus' time. Whether factors will lead to physical artefact evidence being suppressed - yes it is likely it will do even if it has not done so already.
Following the same line of reasoning, there is a gap in the underatanding Daniel showed of his experience of the man (Son of Man) recorded in chapters 7 to 11 where it is clear he had some awareness of who it was and expected some readers to have this awareness yet where that awareness came from is hidden - and here again the existence of the Enoch Parables in Daniel's time (available to Daniel and his readers) would perfectly fit this gap.