Many delight in all the modern television programmes making entertainment out of history and documentary material. Light on fact perhaps but people do at least watch and learn. For combining the need for entertainment with the need for self-improvement they can seem to fit the bill. Yet what kind of improvement is truly beneficial. If we find we lack religious faith while some around us seem to just believe what they are supposed to believe without fear of death and afterlife we might want to use entertainment time to kill two birds with one stone and seek some faith at the same time. What kinds of programmes might we try to find and watch? I find ancient history of Jerusalem has much to offer. Looking at the historic times of King Hezekiah and his live-in palace prophet Isaiah is a good place to start. Then programmes about the events and places of the gospel accounts. Then the existence of bones in Bulgaria considered to belong to the cousin of Jesus of Nazareth, John the Baptist. There is a great National Geographic programme about this. Consider as well the testimony of John the Baptist and the prophecies in scriptures about the messenger like Elijah sent to prepare the way for the Messiah. The next place to note is Rome where the bones of Peter lie buried beneath the present day Vatican. The UK BBC has run a great series about the inside of the Vatican covering this. The Vatican is worth a visit even or at least a look at the evidence about Peter. Then another area to watch is anything about Sumeria and the Calcholithic finds of Palestine and Predynastic Egypt and a look at the Early Dynastic periods of Uruk and the like and use Wikipedia for comparison of such archaeology and history with the Book of Enoch from the greater Ethiopic bible canon (compare with extant text of 'The Instruction of Shurrapak' for example). Finally look at programmes about the texts found in ancient first and second century AD ribbish tip archeology sites outside Cairo, etc where some texts include mention of Jesus. Then you have to join the dots in your own head and judge for yourself because the scientists and historians and academics won't do that for you. If you did nothing so far to gather the information other that sit and watch a screen you might gave plenty of energy left to process it all.