Palettes. Cosmetics were being used from the time of the Early Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt before 3000 BC and this is especially evident in archaeology by finds of cosmetic palettes used to hold and apply cosmetic pigments such as for coloring the eye lids. The cosmetic technology of pigments and palettes and the culture of how to use them in beautification seems to have been introduced first to a group of sheep-keeping, hunting people living in Egypt from early times up until the time their culture changed to what archaeologists Pre-Dynastic. The earlier culture is called Badari by archaeologists and historians after a main archaeological site named el-Badari. Comparing this archaeology with the Book of Enoch accounts we see evidenced here the spread of the teachings of Azazel among the early people living in the area we now call Egypt. These had been simple shepherds, goatherds and hunters but they started suddenly using sophisticated technology such as chemistry of pigment production and fine art palette carving. They changed to become culture archaeologists and historians call Pre-Dynastic Egypt (made popular today in the film The Scorpion King portraying its sophisticated sorcery and weaponry).