Why God hid the Son of Man? It seems God does this in order to provide a suitable judge, He keeps the person hidden away and set apart from corrupting influences and ties that would hinder judgment and then at the right time God brings out His judge. In this provision of a judge God also may provide a person suited to sympathy because of having experienced the same experiences as those who will be judged. So the Son of Man is especially suited to judging humans and all the more so when God made the Son of Man flesh and blood. The first time the Son of Man came He explained it was to testify to the truth and for salvation but that God has given Him the authority to judge because He is the Son of Man. Indeed God could have sent Him only at the end of time to only judge but sending Him before the very end allowed a time of salvation. The Book of Enoch too has been hidden so maybe this book has a place of judgment given by God and in truth and salvation. It is being brought to light now perhaps to allow us to judge the teachings of religious groups and the veracity of interpretations of scriptures from which it has long been set apart and to save by rescuing interpretations from becoming too destructive and corrupt. In accounting IT we call this function a checksum which is created at the beginning of data preparation then hidden and passed to those who receive the data to compare with the data sent to them to confirm whether it is valid data. If it is invalid then attempts can be made to retrieve the valid version.