Salvation is the discipleship which Jesus calls true. Then truth can set you free. First you believe Jesus is the One who was with God from before the world began as He Himself said and He will be son eternally of God, the Christ forever. You believe Him and start to hold to His teachings and continue with permanent commitment (perhaps getting baptised). Once you start to settle in to discipleshipand put sin away and salvation begins, at some point the Holy Spirit works in you and actually manifests that He has entered you. Then His dominion over you takes effect. Then you have entered the dominion of the Holy Spirit - the kingdom of God. You learn to live by the Holy Spirit instead of by trusting in your lusts. You learn to stop denying the Holy Spirit. This is what you need to complete your escape from sin and enter righteous living instead of sinning and your salvation is becoming complete - if you keep on in that way until the end - which you can only do with Jesus rooting for you - even after this life and throughout all eternity.