It is very similar to our bodies but it never dies. If you were to put your hand on Him it would be like puttng a hand on anyone else - any human. If His hand was laid on you it would be like anybody’s hand placed on you. Yet His coming will be like lightning from one end of the sky to the other such that everyone sees Him at once. He can have spiritual presence just as He can have physical presence. We too can be like this a bit so it is not completely unimaginable. We are currently commnicating simultaneously around the world yet we are sitting in a room maybe. We can do spiritual things too like having simultaneously imspired thoughts in distant places such that our distance apart is irrelevant and our existence is more the main thing and our being in the spirit at the same time can be all important to what happens between us yet we are humans in physical bodies too. When He chooses to He can affect us physically or spiritually or mentally without leaving Heaven. He can exist in Heaven out of reach of humans like us along with angels and like an angel. His faith can work a miracle where we walk down a steet as if He were in the clouds above our heads without leaving the Father’s side.