Adam was created in the Middle East and the Garden of Eden was there. Much has been based by God there. The first cities were built there. Methuselah and Noah lived there. The Flood started there and spread out. The first city settlements after the Flood were established there and the world was ruled again from there. The Tower of Babel was frustrated by God there and people spread out from there. The life of Abraham was lived there and ended in Canaan. The Law was given in the Middle East on a mountain there onto which God physically descended and was visible from behind to Moses there. The people of Israel lived there a thousand years and even when scattered they still were mainly in the Middle East. The portion of the people of Israel returned and built a second temple there. The persecutions by Greek oppressors were carried out there and the need for a saving Messiah was primarily there in and near Jerusalem. The wise magi knew to look there for this Messiah born king of the Jews having travelled there from elsewhere east in the Middle East. The city of Jerusalem is the city God loves and which God will ultimately defend from Satan and all the world rulers just before the Judgement when the lake of fire Gehenna will open there beside Jerusalem to take the billions consigned there by God and a new Jerusalem will “descend” there from Heaven to be established for saints forever.