
Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Ultimate Hope


The hope there in the Book of Enoch is that finally there will at the end when the Judgement takes place and afterwards some who are pleasing to God, clean and gathered to where they can worship God and dwell with Him and He with them forever. I notice they are not all depicted as sheep in Enoch’s great vision dream. Among the clean and fully sighted sheep are some Gentiles too - depicted as birds and other beasts. So Enoch forsaw not only Jews but Gentiles made righteous and pleasing to God before the Judgement.

Book of Enoch 90:31b-36 “... they took me up and set me down in the midst of those sheep before the judgement took place†. 32. And those sheep were all white, and their wool was abundant and clean. 33. And all that had been destroyed and dispersed, and all the beasts of the field, and all the birds of the heaven, assembled in that house, and the Lord of the sheep rejoiced with great joy because they were all good and had returned to His house. 34. And I saw till they laid down that sword, which had been given to the sheep, and they brought it back into the house, and it was sealed before the presence of the Lord, and all the sheep were invited into that house, but it held them not. 35. And the eyes of them all were opened, and they saw the good, and there was not one among them that did not see. 36. And I saw that that house was large and broad and very full.”

That is why we need the Son of Man. The Son of Man washes clean the sheep and birds and other beasts and opens their eyes - all those who believe in Him and hold to His teachings.