
Sunday, 27 January 2019

The Book of Enoch is for Today

If anything should tell us the Book of Enoch is for today and not just for Enoch’s generation it is the Dream of the Beasts (starting in chapter 85 in the Charles translation). The dream given to Enoch around 3300 BC foretelling the history of righteousness over the following six thiousand years using animals to refer to key humans and angels. Only those today with himdsight and knowledge of the scriptures can appreciate who all the people described are. It seems the purpose is assuring us today that all these things were known beforehand and the prophetic power of God was at work in Enoch to predict it so accurately in such a way that we today who know the scriptures and know God’s power would understand what it all means and to assure us it is for us it was written. Then to tell us what will soon start to happen now and the apocalypse the next generation will experience.

Dear Enoch is waking up the “ten bridesmaid virgins with their lamps” - saying “the bride’s groom is coming!” - and Revelation provides further details of the bride groom’s plans and what will happen next - the Jerusalem Temple, the two witnesses, the Beast, the bowls of wrath, the 666 and second Beast - things we need to warn our children might well happen in their times and might start soon

Monday, 21 January 2019

The Son is the Lord

Recently I was looking up the Kurdish for ‘Son of Man’, because some Kurds have traditionally venerated one they call the Son of Man, and I found they use a word for Son (in Son of Man) which is almost the same as the Greek word used in the NT for Lord. Kurê Mirov is Kurdish for Son of Man. Kurê Is almost the same as Koine Greek for Lord - Kurios. Coincidence? Probably not. I suspect in ancient times the word later used for Lord in speaking of Jesus (in NT scriptures and among Greek speaking Christians) might had a close association with meaning of Son. This might shed light on why the Father is called the God in the NT while the Son is called the Lord.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Can Fallen-Angel Teachings Be Reversed?

Can we reverse the effects of fallen angel teachings and technologies in our lives? Is it a vain hope or vain endeavour? Maybe we do not need or want to reverse all their technologies. That might take us back to the Stone Age or Copper Age. But can we maybe hope to undo some of their technologies? Christ will do some of this when He returns and rules. Enoch prophesied the Son of Man will rid the world of its iron industry by making iron too rare - especially too rare to use for weaponry. The teachings of the Apostles taught against women relying on hair fashion and makeup for their beautification and to seek inner serenity instead. Christ’s teachings played down any reliance on fallen angel technologies; for example the Good Samaritan used oil and wine and bandages to treat wounds and put the injured man up in an inn. Hebrew scriptures record how King Josiah changed the palace rules to allow priests to do their work without keeping written accounts. So maybe fallen angel technologies of cosmetics and pharmacy and written business documents can be greatly reduced in our lives and still the quality and godliness of living be maintained. We might have liberty to trade without orders and invoices and written contracts if we can all agree to it. We might teach our children to avoid makeup. We might teach ourselves to try to avoid prescription drugs and street drugs. We might look at communities such as Anabaptist Amish and Menonites to see how relliance on technologies can be minimised. There might never be complete removal but we can try to minimise excessive worldliness in our lives characterised by these ‘alien’ technologies for which God condemned those angels who introduced it all.

Saturday, 19 January 2019


In an ant colony or bee hive the queen is sacred and guarded most presciously while many other lives are allowed to die on a daily basis as common and less holy. Holiness is about not treating something or someone as common and everyday. It involves careful protection like is afforded to our premier or our young. Faith is relative too in our inner lives and we hold some beliefs so prescious we rarely dare share them unless there is a great need to ourselves or others to warrant doing so, while other beliefs we leave subject to debate and external influences. We should hold closest to our chests and hidden by our most ardent protective thoughts the faith we consider most sacrasanct. For me that is faith I let rest on the bedrock of miracles and signs I know God has shown me since He first opened my inner mind to the message about the Son of Man dying for me and many other signs have followed since then. These things are not things I carelessly put up for discussion unless there are major benefits possible to others and fuller joy to me in doing so. Cast not pearls before swine carelessly lest you be trampled with the pearls. Chose your moments and your battles and best of all, if you have Him, let the Holy Spirit guide you as you do so.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

The Father

God is “the Father of all who believe” but not the father of those who live a life of ignoring His commands. So if you believe Jesus is the Son of Man from before the birth of Abraham and you are turning constantly from the ways of Satan (turning from lies and turning towards constant truth speaking; turning from murderous hatred and turning towards care not to sin when angry; turning from sexual immorality, repenting of what sins are shown you by grace, having sincere love towards genuine believers, ...) then God is indeed your Father whom you have got to know and trust. The faith in its purest form hinges on the belief captured in the Book of Enoch at least as clearly as any scripture or even more clearly than any scripture: That there is the Son of Man and He was there in existence alive long before the birth of Abraham and He has been ever constant since remotest ages past in right living and faith. The trees and even planets take their constancy from His constancy as His fame for this constant righteousness and faith powerfully influences them. So He is there to be constant in future for those who trust Him which is the hope given by the Father that forms children for the Father who raised Him from the dead.

Sunday, 13 January 2019


One of the worst polluters of today is plastic. We are trapped into producing it. Is there a way out? We create oil-based fuel for our cars and therefore we need to make use of the byproducts which is a reason to make plastics. We need plastics now to make things we cannot make with other materials. If we stop making plastics we need to find alternatives for the plastics in products we need. The only way we will ever stop producing plastics is if we stop using oil pruducts for fuel. We might find we cannot stop making products from oil because we cannot live without plastics. We can recycle but how long can that continue and can we live without plastics and other oil products that cannot be made by recycling? The only way to stop is to find ways to live without oil products such as plastics then when we are confident we can do this we switch to recycling and stop using oil for fuel. It is not likely anyone will do this so we are just going to have to wait for the Judge to destroy those who destroy His world.

Peyva "Massih" [Kurdî]

Peyva "Massih" dibe ku ji vir Sumerian/Akkadian MASH, MASS, MAŠ û bi sembola 𒈦
Wiktionary: (wergerandin 
𒈦 (MAŠ)
1.  "giyanî li ser deyn"
2.  "heywan ji bo omens"

Xwedayê qurbaniyek feda kir - al Massih - Kurê Mirov - wî deynê te dane.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

The One True God

The concept of one true God comes down through history from Adam till world religions today, not only the Abrahamic religion. The ancients of Noah’s time had a concept of a most high God who was over all gods and was at the very top where there was room for one only. The word AN or DINGIR used an asterisk symbol and had associations with the sky - hence the star symbol - and what is at the top of the metaphorical tree - its apex - the zenith. The Christ person is like one of two - Son together with Father - while the Father Himself is the one of one. You can say today “the one true ...” or “the one and only ...” in situations where there can be only one who qualifies for a topmost title or position. This is that ancient concept all through history applied to beings. Most heirarchical systems have one or two at the top and  just one at the very top. Heaven is like this. Paul described it as One God and One Lord. Ultimately God is greater than Lord.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Parable of the Traffic Lights


Imagine a small village in the middle of nowhere; well not really a village, just a few houses and farms and a shop and diner with a crossroad - roads running north-south and east-west - and a tiny school house. There have been no cars seen in the village for as long as anyone can remember. Yet there is a working set of traffic lights that the head of the village keeps working. Children growing up there have only stories about cars to help them understand what the traffic lights are for. Mothers play with the children and get them to act out being a car and stopping at the lights then going off down the road a bit when they are green. The children imagine what cars are like. Some doubt cars really exist. Growing up some doubt there will ever be a car going through the village. Others doubt cars even exist but believe they once existed in their grandparents’ childhood days. One night a car drives through the village and a teenage boy out late sees it. Nobody believes him because the description does not match the imagination and traditional view about cars that has developed as the children grew up. There is such a negative feeling towards the lad that the older people make a rule that nobody is to say they have seen a car unless it is a car like their tradition. Some want to ban seeing cars altogether and start to build houses almost across the road and lobby for the traffic lights to be turned off. When the lights eventually get turned off after the head of the village retires they start to hold annual carnivals where cars and traffic lights are acted out by the children. Then a group of children see a car drive straight through the village. They can’t all be lying so the lights are turned back on but still some doubt cars exist. What helps others believe is that there is an old newspaper found with photographs of cars which match exactly the childrens’ description and the owner of the newspaper was not previously allowed to show it to the children in case it frightened them. When the children who saw the car grow older they are allowed to see the photos. Suddenly they are encouraged to be confident enough to tell others and they do so fervently. The houses crossing the road are modified to allow cars to go through a big gateway in them and the road is restored and eventually cars become a common sight and the village grows to become a small town.


The Book of Enoch proves to me that there can be new revelation. I had grown up among those who warned against anything new and I still hear warnings today from those who think anything not in their particular chosen set of scriptures must be erroneous. I experienced completely new revelation in my life journey following the Son of Man which definitely came from the Holy Spirit so I knew the warnings were themselves erroneous but only when I found support for these revelations in tue Book of Enoch did it prove this to me. God is waiting for people to ask and He will give new revelations of things we could not imagine.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

The Date of Noah’s Flood and the Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch has a prophetic foretold timeline based on records seen in heaven of the whole course of world history from beginning of mankind to the judging of mankind - a seven thousand year period. It splits this period into ten seven hundred year parts called ‘weeks’ (or sevens). The position of the Flood in this scheme is sometime in the second week - possibly putting it towards the end of that week but the language meaning is uncertain. This puts it between 3200 and 2500 BC, likely in the second half of that period so between 2900 and 2500 BC. The archaeology is well defined for the dating of the Flood because 
1. The Sumerian King Lists clearly say the Flood ended the dynasty ruling the world whose last capital city was Shuruppak so at least Shuruppak itself was affected (destroyed) by it
2. Shuruppak is a well understood archaeological site called Tell Fara
3. Tell Fara shows a clear mud layer of flood deposits covering the Jemdat Nasr Period layer which has pottery linking it to the Jemdat Nasr Period
4. Radiocarbon dating has been applied to the pre-Flood layer of Tell Fara and the latest dating is 2900 BC
If the latest radiocarbon dates for the pre-Flood layer of Tell Fara coincides with the Flood it gives a radiocarbon date of the Flood of 2900 BC. It might be that limited artefacts for dating means that later objects from before the Flood have been missed so the Flood could be a little later. Yet this 2900 BC date does fit within the written time period of the Book of Enoch. It means the time from the Flood till the next major prophesied event after the Flood mentioned by Enoch, the establishmemt of Abraham to begin a righteous race (the ‘plant of righteousness’), this period, a kind of Dark Ages, was almost a thousand years long. 
The credibility of the prophetic timeline in the Book of Enoch (found around chapter 93) by its good fit with archaeology puts credibility on the date it gives for the creation of Adam - the starting point of the ten weeks - as around 3900 BC. This in turn sheds light on the future end of the ten weeks as being around 3100 AD. So it has importance to how we view the future as well as how we view the past. It also helps in understanding our present time.

This also puts the ascension of Enoch into heaven at around 3000 BC since he writes that he was born in the first week which means his birth was around 3300 to 3400 BC. So much of the period of the Book of Enoch authoring is put between 3200 and 3000 BC. Noah added sections before the Flood so around 3000 BC.

Saturday, 5 January 2019


In warning about complicity and taking part in Rome’s excesses - Babylon the Great - Jesus in Revelation quoted from God speaking a similar warning about the original Babylon (Jeremiah 51) which shows that the reason for it all is the vengeance to be shown against what remains of the Roman Empire and especially Rome itself because of all those past crucifixions of Christians and persecutions along such lines and self-obsessed oppulence and wrongly acruee wealth. We need to part company and remove ourselves from involvement so as not to share in its ongoing sins and the ensuing plagues which result from them. This means political AND commercial exit.

6“Flee from Babylon!
Run for your lives!
Do not be destroyed because of her sins.
It is time for the Lord’s vengeance;
he will repay her what she deserves.
7Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand;
she made the whole earth drunk.
The nations drank her wine;
therefore they have now gone mad.
8Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken.
Wail over her!
Get balm for her pain;
perhaps she can be healed.
11“Sharpen the arrows,
take up the shields!
The Lord has stirred up the kings of the Medes,
because his purpose is to destroy Babylon.
The Lord will take vengeance,
vengeance for his temple.
12Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon!
Reinforce the guard,
station the watchmen,
prepare an ambush!
The Lord will carry out his purpose,
his decree against the people of Babylon.
13You who live by many waters
and are rich in treasures,
your end has come,
the time for you to be destroyed.
14The Lord Almighty has sworn by himself:
I will surely fill you with troops, as with a swarm of locusts,
and they will shout in triumph over you.
15“He made the earth by his power;
he founded the world by his wisdom
and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
16When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar;
he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.
He sends lightning with the rain

and brings out the wind from his storehouses.

The Cross Symbol

Crosses have long been used by shamans and witches, medics and pharmacists to advertise that they can offer sacrifices and drugs but also intercede and pray on your behalf with spirits and deities and even the Most High. The cross symbol was used like this possibly even from most ancient times. Today the Red Cross still use it as their symbol as do other medics and pharmacists. The spiritual side gets played down since times of witch hunts and even the ability to hear confession and pray for the sick is not advertised but traditional medicine includes such services too. Two thousand years ago God Himself used the cross symbol when offering the sacrifice of His beloved Son for us and makes this symbol a sign that this Son, whom He raised from the dead, is the official mediator appointed by God to intercede for us not only in times we are sick or threatened with sickness but whenever we need God’s forgiveness and need to make a clean break from our sin and make confession of it and renounce it. This mediator called the Messiah appointed and anointed by God for this purpose can make a believing adherent to His teachings righteous even such that God would own such a person as His own child forever and appoint them for the resurrection from the dead at His Son’s return. 𒈦

So when you pray your most needed prayer to God, pray it because of the cross the Messiah died on and the blood He shed on it and believe God will do it for that reason alone.

Sola Scriptura?

Surely it is blatant hypocrisy of some religious groups and individuals to insist only scripture should be read and believed and taught as truth if their scriptures themselves do not teach that.

Thursday, 3 January 2019



By the time the Ancient Greeks found the Sumerian records about Enoch the account and name of Enoch recorded in Sumerian by Babylonians had changed somewhat. The number seven was still important and the person likely to be Enoch was still “seventh from Adam” or at least seventh from the person likely to be Adam. Enoch was still known to have ascended to heaven and like the other six in the succession was recognised as a very important sage in the times before the Flood - the last of the seven sages before the Flood - the seven sages the Babylonians called the Apkallu in Akkadian (Abgal in Sumerian) . By the time these sages were called Apkallu the one who ascended, the seventh, was known as Utu-Abzu. Note that UTU was the name by which God was known in times of Noah, and the city of Enoch, Sippar, was dedicated to UTU. Abzu was the word for the waters under the earth.

The Power in a Name

What is in a name? When you think of a big famous brand name or a name associated with a famous brand, there is a mystique in a big famous name and I imagine there is a certain power. If you had a father whose name was a big global brand you might stand to inherit that name but still if you have the character and inspiration you might use that status to create a name of your own and your father might help. This could lead to you experiencing for yourself just how much power there can be in a name. Yet when it comes to the name of the Son of Man who is son to the One Most High God we are talking power on a whole new level. I cannot even imagine that level. It takes the Holy Spirit to inspire it within us. The name and fame this Son of Man has takes power to the extreme since it drives the very forces of Nature and of Life on Earth. The name by which we can be saved if we believe.

Book of Enoch 48:1-4 
“1. And in that place I saw the fountain of righteousness
Which was inexhaustible:
And around it were many fountains of wisdom;
And all the thirsty drank of them,
And were filled with wisdom,
And their dwellings were with the righteous and holy and elect.
2. And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of the Lord of Spirits,
And his name before the Head of Days.
3. Yea, before the sun and the signs were created,
Before the stars of the heaven were made,
His name was named before the Lord of Spirits.
4. He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall,
And he shall be the light of the Gentiles,

And the hope of those who are troubled of heart.”

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

One True Church?

The Book of Enoch is remarkably quiet about the concept of ‘church’ but is deafeningly silent about the concept of ‘one true church’ proclaimed loudly by churches of many kinds today. This silence rather draws into question any claims of any church to be a ‘one true church’ doesn’t it? Enoch foretold the Jews as a race and nation and eventually a religious path in the prophecies of chapters 83 to 93 but is there any explicit mention of the churches or of any one particular church or Islamic or other religious group or organisation? If there is even a glimmer then it is a very small one.