If anything should tell us the Book of Enoch is for today and not just for Enoch’s generation it is the Dream of the Beasts (starting in chapter 85 in the Charles translation). The dream given to Enoch around 3300 BC foretelling the history of righteousness over the following six thiousand years using animals to refer to key humans and angels. Only those today with himdsight and knowledge of the scriptures can appreciate who all the people described are. It seems the purpose is assuring us today that all these things were known beforehand and the prophetic power of God was at work in Enoch to predict it so accurately in such a way that we today who know the scriptures and know God’s power would understand what it all means and to assure us it is for us it was written. Then to tell us what will soon start to happen now and the apocalypse the next generation will experience.
Dear Enoch is waking up the “ten bridesmaid virgins with their lamps” - saying “the bride’s groom is coming!” - and Revelation provides further details of the bride groom’s plans and what will happen next - the Jerusalem Temple, the two witnesses, the Beast, the bowls of wrath, the 666 and second Beast - things we need to warn our children might well happen in their times and might start soon