God is “the Father of all who believe” but not the father of those who live a life of ignoring His commands. So if you believe Jesus is the Son of Man from before the birth of Abraham and you are turning constantly from the ways of Satan (turning from lies and turning towards constant truth speaking; turning from murderous hatred and turning towards care not to sin when angry; turning from sexual immorality, repenting of what sins are shown you by grace, having sincere love towards genuine believers, ...) then God is indeed your Father whom you have got to know and trust. The faith in its purest form hinges on the belief captured in the Book of Enoch at least as clearly as any scripture or even more clearly than any scripture: That there is the Son of Man and He was there in existence alive long before the birth of Abraham and He has been ever constant since remotest ages past in right living and faith. The trees and even planets take their constancy from His constancy as His fame for this constant righteousness and faith powerfully influences them. So He is there to be constant in future for those who trust Him which is the hope given by the Father that forms children for the Father who raised Him from the dead.