
Thursday, 10 January 2019

Parable of the Traffic Lights


Imagine a small village in the middle of nowhere; well not really a village, just a few houses and farms and a shop and diner with a crossroad - roads running north-south and east-west - and a tiny school house. There have been no cars seen in the village for as long as anyone can remember. Yet there is a working set of traffic lights that the head of the village keeps working. Children growing up there have only stories about cars to help them understand what the traffic lights are for. Mothers play with the children and get them to act out being a car and stopping at the lights then going off down the road a bit when they are green. The children imagine what cars are like. Some doubt cars really exist. Growing up some doubt there will ever be a car going through the village. Others doubt cars even exist but believe they once existed in their grandparents’ childhood days. One night a car drives through the village and a teenage boy out late sees it. Nobody believes him because the description does not match the imagination and traditional view about cars that has developed as the children grew up. There is such a negative feeling towards the lad that the older people make a rule that nobody is to say they have seen a car unless it is a car like their tradition. Some want to ban seeing cars altogether and start to build houses almost across the road and lobby for the traffic lights to be turned off. When the lights eventually get turned off after the head of the village retires they start to hold annual carnivals where cars and traffic lights are acted out by the children. Then a group of children see a car drive straight through the village. They can’t all be lying so the lights are turned back on but still some doubt cars exist. What helps others believe is that there is an old newspaper found with photographs of cars which match exactly the childrens’ description and the owner of the newspaper was not previously allowed to show it to the children in case it frightened them. When the children who saw the car grow older they are allowed to see the photos. Suddenly they are encouraged to be confident enough to tell others and they do so fervently. The houses crossing the road are modified to allow cars to go through a big gateway in them and the road is restored and eventually cars become a common sight and the village grows to become a small town.


The Book of Enoch proves to me that there can be new revelation. I had grown up among those who warned against anything new and I still hear warnings today from those who think anything not in their particular chosen set of scriptures must be erroneous. I experienced completely new revelation in my life journey following the Son of Man which definitely came from the Holy Spirit so I knew the warnings were themselves erroneous but only when I found support for these revelations in tue Book of Enoch did it prove this to me. God is waiting for people to ask and He will give new revelations of things we could not imagine.