One of the worst polluters of today is plastic. We are trapped into producing it. Is there a way out? We create oil-based fuel for our cars and therefore we need to make use of the byproducts which is a reason to make plastics. We need plastics now to make things we cannot make with other materials. If we stop making plastics we need to find alternatives for the plastics in products we need. The only way we will ever stop producing plastics is if we stop using oil pruducts for fuel. We might find we cannot stop making products from oil because we cannot live without plastics. We can recycle but how long can that continue and can we live without plastics and other oil products that cannot be made by recycling? The only way to stop is to find ways to live without oil products such as plastics then when we are confident we can do this we switch to recycling and stop using oil for fuel. It is not likely anyone will do this so we are just going to have to wait for the Judge to destroy those who destroy His world.