The Apostle Paul noted in Romans 8 that a new dominion had arisen among believers. No longer were these people sovereign over their own lives nor slaves to a system of the power over lives of the human nature. The Holy Spirit comes into the lives of true believers known by God and brings His dominion with Him that can dominate their lives. Look inside a church of true believers and look at the Holy Spirit occassionally becoming manifested there. This presence and instrumentation there has power to dominate not only the proceedings but also the ongoing lives of the believers after the assembling is dispersed. Each recipient of such grace takes that grace away with them to ponder but it is not only pondered conceptually but it takes over aspects of the recipient’s life. This continues through the years and should really never be fogotten or abandoned. God does not take on temps. His children are permanent. Satan on the other hand does not give holidays or vacations. He keeps his servants as slaves. So to be set free from Satan’s enslaving ways we should welcome the domination of the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives once we believe in the Son of Man.