We need tp be set free from bad attitudes and ways which enslave us and the Son of Man does this but we need to let Him do it and this means we need to trust Him as He does it. If a doctor or nurse tries to lance a badly infected sore to relieve the pressure and let out the poison we need to let them do it by trusting them and as they advise us how to keep the wound safe from getting worse we need to trust them and keep in mind what they said and carefully do as they advise. The Son of Man similarly needs our cooperation and trust as He deals with our enslaving sins and the Holy Spirit and servants of His do the same. We need to trust the Son and let Him guide our ongoing treatment and healing process. We need to trustingly keep truthful records of His words. The gospels record His words and we need to also keep in mind what He continues to say and the Holy Spirit continues to pass on to us. He sends people too: We need to receive them if we are sure they are coming faithfully in His name and we need to have the attitude that says “Blessed is he who comes in His name”. This faith is essential to get the healing we need from our bad ways. The faith we need can be given as God opens our hearts to the fact that the death of the Son of the cross was an act of God’s genuine desire to see us cleansed. The powerful acts of God in our lives strengthen this faith and can be depended on much better than philosophical dogmas. Believe the Son can save and heal and trustingly recieve it from Him, now and throughout your life.