What does the knowledge of ancient history found in the Book of Enoch mean for interpretations of findings such as the Lascaux painted caves? The Book of Enoch tells how Azazel introduced to humans the art of using pigments for painting and analysis shows it was around 3500 BC and archaeology shows it was the exact same kind of pigments as were used in the caves of Lascaux. The Book of Enoch also shows that the main science of the calendar were likely introduced by Uriel and taught by Enoch (Enmendurana) around 3000 BC. The caves in Lascaux in France show pigments used to skillfully paint dots and pictures of animals which are believed to represent a working calendar. The understanding gained from the Book of Enoch implies that either these cave paintings were painted long before 3000 BC but not by descendants of Adam (Adapa, Alulim) or they were painted after the 3500 BC introduction of pigments and possibly after the 3000 BC introduction of the accurate calendar.