
Tuesday, 30 June 2020

The Ultimate Reputation

Underpinning natural entities there is authority. This powerful authority is determined by a name, a reputation, the essence of a person. It is not merely a set of physical laws. It is a person whose very essence has power to underpin and drive all natural entities, right back to the beginning of all things. The name of the Lord Jesus Christ. But is this ‘name’ all about power of reliability of reputation or is it the teaching and what He stands for; or is it what He is good for, His credibility? What is the primary meaning of ‘name of the Lord Jesus Christ’? It is important to know because it is by this name that we are saved.

A name authorises. It backs promises. It sometimes empowers such as when it motivates students to learn from a good teacher because of that teacher’s name. A good family name can motivate a marriage.

Now thinking of those first disciples who followed Jesus around, watching His actions, hearing His sayings, sharing His food and even places He stayed in sometimes, saw His crucifixion and saw Him resurrected - they were learning one thing - His entire name. The Holy Spirit took them further as they later learned what He represents in Heaven among angels and next to the Father, learning that all creation is held together by His name, His teachings, His word of power.

The English concept of name is usually thought of in church circles as a monicker identifying and differentiating someone. However, the eastern or ancient concept is as much about Nomos as about name monicker. Nomos is an eastern concept of the teachings and customs and rules by which a family lives and is known. I think that is the concept in the Hebrew Hashem. Reputation and fame of God, not just monicker used for identification and differentiation.

You only get a decent, resolved, sensible picture of Jesus when you learn to trust in His reputation and fame (His name) as you consider any particular aspect of His life and teachings.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Islam and Christianity compared

In Jesus terms in Christianity (and my understanding of them which feels inadequate) my behaviour is matching the description ‘wicked’ not ‘righteous’. I hold to His teachings, while ever trying to kerb that wickedness, in hope He will make me righteous and keep me righteous. But that wicked lack of righteous behaviour needs paying for and His blood on the cross, His death on the cross pays for that. Islam offers some of this information about this way of salvation but leaves out how that payment by the cross has happened. So it leaves you feeling something is missing. 

The Way of Salvation

In Jesus terms  (and my understanding of them which feels inadequate) my behaviour is matching the description ‘wicked’ not ‘righteous’. I hold to His teachings, while ever trying to kerb that wickedness, in hope He will make me righteous and keep me righteous. But that wicked lack of righteous behaviour needs paying for and His blood on the cross, His death on the cross pays for that.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Authority versus Ego

It cuts across our ego and self-interests to be told someone outranks us in authority. Nobody would invent such outranking. It must exist. Lord Jesus Christ is an authority. He exists. No one’s ego would let a person invent Him.

The Cross turns lives pure

The cross turns people’s lives pure by paying for their impure past and persuading them to do better with help from the ever-living one who died on it and rose.

Fulfilling the Law

Not many people can erase a person’s poor ethical rating then persuade them to do better and help them achieve an acceptable rating permanently. That is how Jesus fulfils the Law and Prophets. 

Friday, 26 June 2020

Being Human

My philosophy? Being human. Human plus. I look at Jesus Christ in the gospels and I see a man very similar to any human in behaviour, mannerisms, human condition, yet not falling short ethically. This is the ultimate any of us can be. Son of Man. He only walked on water when God gave the ability and only because of faith and because of God’s love. The truth is this Jesus is not so different from God so although God is not human and Jesus is human, human is cool with God. So I cannot beat being human. Lucky since that is what I am. So I am almost there; almost at the pinnacle of what life can be: the ultimate. God will not despise it so why should anyone else. I just have to focus on that failing ethically I tend to do and that is where Jesus comes into the picture, and stays there perpetually, eternally. Thank God. 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Lake of Fire Judgements

Comparing the Book of Enoch and the Apocalypse of John (Book of Revelation) we find several future uses of lakes of fire for judgement and doing away with grievous offenders. First Enoch tells us about angels who oversee persecutions of Israel, twelve angels in particular. These are thrown into a special lake of fire in one place on Earth. Then a second lake of fire will appear (which is figuratively called Gehenna in some teachings). Enoch and the Apocalypse each describe how judgment will be passed to sentence people to this lake of fire. Enoch tells us it will be by whether people have spiritual sight or not. Those who don’t (“blind sheep’ as the prophecy puts it) will be done away with in the fire. The Apocalypse of John has the Son of Man’s description of this, the one who will exercise this judgement, and a key factor to determine this fate is the 666 ‘mark of the Beast’ as it is known. Comparing these two descriptions it seems plausible to me that the mark is a test of spiritual sight. Those who are spiritual blind (even though religious’sheep’) will receive the mark but not those who are righteous and whose spiritual eyes are open and alert and discerning enough will refuse it even though threatened by the Beast system with death. So the eyes opened sheep will escape this lake of fire. In the gospels there is further clarification saying that spiritual ‘goats’ are distinguished from ‘sheep’ by how they ignore the needs of disciples of the Son of Man and these goats too will suffer the lake of fire (“weeping and gnashing of teeth”). The last lake of fire judgement is mostly described in the Apocalypse of John (but alluded to in the Book of Enoch) when after a thousand years of Christ’s rule all the dead and living people who were characterised in life by deeds of lying, murder, idol worship, druggery, and other such acts are cast into the lake of fire too. There is much description in the Book of Enoch of how the sighted spiritual sheep and other sighted spiritual ones who are not judged so severely are going to gather willingly to God’s house and have fellowship with God and His Son forever. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


Underpinning natural entities there is authority. This powerful authority is determined by a name, a reputation, the essence of a person. It is not merely a set of physical laws, like the Standard Model. It is a person whose very essence has power to underpin and drive all natural entities, right back to the beginning of all things. At the beginning and before all natural entities this person existed and was produced from the essence of another person, His Father. We call the Father God and we call the person whose name is the power driving natural things the Son of God.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Evaluating Jesus

It does take time (in my case decades) to assess Jesus’ reliability to be trusted with your future. Is Jesus wise enough to save you? Does Jesus truly have God’s ear? It all takes time like evaluating a new product except here it is so personal and utterly vital. Eternal. So give it time but speed it along.

The Right to Bear Arms

In Gethsemane Jesus did not swing a sword but accomplished more than any other person in history as a result. Perhaps that was the point of telling the disciples to carry swords then telling them to cease using them. Jesus was acting agent for God so what Jesus achieved was achieved on behalf of the Father, God. After telling the disciples to carry swords, Jesus then told the police to let the disciples go since Jesus was the one they sought. This ensured there were disciples alive to witness the crucifixion and carry that news around the World. These later witnessed the resurrection of Jesus too, proving Jesus is the Christ chosen by God to save us.


There is a spirit who speaks with an absence of hatred, absence of malice, absence of vice, absence of opposition to God. That is why He is called the Holy Spirit. 

The Case for Religion


The religious prove their case but atheists don’t like the proof. Take Jesus’ words in John’s gospel, all those promises are fulfilled if you believe Jesus is Christ and adhere to the commands given in this gospel, so when you see the promises fulfilled you know the gospel is a faithful account and Jesus Christ died for you. It is reproducible proof on which you can depend. But atheists don’t like it that reproducing it requires adherence, which is too big a price to pay, they feel.

The case for atheism, on the other hand, is fundamentally flawed; “I think therefore I am” is subjective nonsense and makes science self-referentially incoherent. Religion is merely an absence of atheism. If atheism is nonsense, that alone is enough of a case for religion. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Assembling of an Angelic Army

The times we now live in might be evidence of assembling of an army of angelic beings, advancing on mankind. Such times are prophesied. Joel prophesied it. Jude tells us that Enoch prophesied it. Jesus prophesied it. As we see such events unfolding we should look at the prophesies, see how there is worse to come, far worse, and resolve ourselves to humbly pray for mercy, especially the church, whose gifting by the Holy Spirit is for times like these. In Revelation, the Apocalypse of John, Jesus foretold that on the whole mankind won’t repent but will be forced to admit to this time when it comes and will long for death that will not come. This might be just the beginning. The cause might already be the emergence of the angelic army of God, an army not seen in history with might such as might be assembling now. The Kingdom of Heaven is near.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

It is written

In John 8, what did Jesus write in the sand? He maybe wrote “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” since now it is indeed written and quoted by many. He did better than the Torah commands. He upheld the commands but seemingly did the impossible in saving the woman without denying the commands. He did so with a new command. That is symbolised by His writing in the sand with His finger like the Father wrote on the stone with His finger. He saved without changing what His Father wrote. That is why God sent Him.

Weapons and Police

Jesus advised His disciples to carry weapons, only in preparation for dealing with police who were planning to arrest Him.

Book of Enoch - Scripture

“Whoever believes in me [Jesus], as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

Which scripture says this?

Jesus believed in the Book of Enoch being scripture (as evidenced by His teachings, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the writings of Jude)

Book of Enoch 48:1 “In that place I beheld a fountain of righteousness, which never failed, encircled by many springs of wisdom. Of these all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy.”

Book of Enoch 49:1 “For wisdom is poured out like water,
And glory faileth not before him for evermore.”

Mesîh hemî lê Xwedê (Kurdish)

Sembolên kevnar * û + nîşan dan ka Xwedê Xwedê çawa ye - sembola stêrk, dema ku Mesîh hemî lê Xwedê ye - sembola plus. Shamans nîşana plus bikar anîn da ku bi xerabiyê şer bikin. Mesîh ji Xwedê tê ba me. Lê ew di kirinên xwe de tarî bûn. Ji ber vê yekê Xwedê şexsî Mesîh şand da ku li ser xaçek sembolîk bimire. Naha ev ji me re hemî eşkere ye.

Standing in the Truth

It takes a long time and lessons through extended hardship to be able to stand in the truth. Through all of that you have to cling to the living Jesus and to His precious teachings. Then you’ll get there. Then you keep clinging in order to stay there.

Friday, 12 June 2020

The Hiding Away

The first half of the Book of Revelation describes a period of frightening ‘apocalyptic’ plague. It starts with warning shots of four horsemen of the apocalypse. Then comes two waves of massive global pandemic, angelic in nature. The first wave kills nobody but the victims wish they were dead because of pain. The second wave kills on a huge scale by three kinds of death at once. During the four horsemen build-up there is sudden panic of awareness of apocalyptic events becoming imminent, preparing the world for these two waves of angelic plague. People rush to hide. The global events we see in 2020 put this in a new perspective not known before to the extent we now know it today. Everyone shutting themselves away on a global scale is something with which we have become familiar now. The panic is not as extreme but we have now received a foretaste. Now we shut ourselves in houses. We never thought such lockdown on a global scale was possible, yet it is real to us today. In this Revelation prophesied event everyone will shut themselves even more away by taking to caves and almost inaccessible hideaways. This has happened before in history. Around 3300 BC there was a time when people sought refuge in caves so hard to reach in mountains that only recently did anyone manage to get to those places and there find items these people left there, such as the Nahal Mishmar horde of ancient magic alloy implements. It was extraordinary the lengths people went to to escape something. They also dug hideaways underground. It was possibly the time of what Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch call the Nephilim: Rampaging massive sorcerers of partly angelic parentage. So this future apocalyptic, global panic might be like that panic long ago. Suddenly people will realise the apocalyptic prophecies are coming true and imminent. They will hide from God. Then a few signs will follow as angels identify those who are to be protected from the two waves of final pandemic. Then the first wave will be like a pandemic we see today but will be supernatural and only a plague of miserable illness, not death. Then the second wave will be three-fold in its deadliness, colour coded red and blue and yellow: red for fire, blue for smoke, yellow for sulfur. Injuries and deaths will accompany such a plague as you might expect from something like wide-scale, global volcanic cataclysm. All this precludes the geo-political apocalyptic events of the rise of several totalitarian empires called ‘beasts’, last of which is global in its reach and imposes the 666 ‘mark of the Beast’. Then Christ will return.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Next forty years in prophesied light

In scriptures known today as the Book of Enoch, Enoch’s writings foretold seventy reigns of angelic rulers allowed by God in punishment of Israel. This now seems to be the seventieth starting, given that each reign seems to last forty years and the first was at the time of the Ancient Assyrian conquest of Samaria. This in past times saw antisemitic events of worsening scale and Enoch’s prophecy tells us the last will be no different. For governments right now, it’s all about supporting naive, one-size-fits-all rules and minor laws. It’s not about justice for ordinary people. The initiative is moving again to the world’s biggest companies and what they offer governments and large and medium sized companies, irrespective of small companies and of individual rights. This kind of political backdrop has characterised the forty year periods of the last eleven cycles as many believing Jews and other believers have been killed in persecutions. As the beginning of the last forty year cycle of angelic rule unfolds we will probably see similar events to those of Nazi Germany between the wars but this time on a global scale.
It is recorded in the gospels how the Son of Man spoke indirectly of the Book of Enoch when telling the Sadducees about the dead being like the angels, neither marrying nor giving in marriage, and that this the Sadducees did not know, the Son of Man said, because they knew neither the scriptures nor the power of God. The only scripture to tell of the angels not marrying is the Book of Enoch. Likewise the Holy Spirit power of God inspired brother and disciple of the Son of Man, Jude, to quote the Book of Enoch as true prophecy. Today the Holy Spirit still speaks mysteries in tongues with interpretation that relate the same words of the Book of Enoch. This too is the power of God we ought to know lest we greatly err.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Second only

Jesus is second only to God.


In mercy God sent Christ into the world so we could have some hope despite our past sins - and Christ can lead us out of those sins if we trust Him to do so. That is the mercy of God. And because God’s mercy is eternal, so He has made Christ to be eternal despite being made utterly human for us. God did this by raising Christ from the dead to live forever. So we have eternal mercy available to us by way of Christ.


We can get to know God ourselves now by Christ’s mediation, so we shouldn’t have to rely solely on words and their translations. 

Permanent Fixes

What a testing time this is for most people. How are we doing with the test? We might be finding it the undoing of us. We need to be fixed. But if we are to be fixed then the fix needs to be permanent, otherwise a future testing time might undo us again. Permanent fixes aren’t like glue, where you glue the pieces then hope they never come undone again. The only permanent fix we can have needs it permanence to be managed and guaranteed by someone always available to manage it. That means permanent management. Who can fix us but also guarantee such permanent management of the fixes? God raised the Son of Man from the dead for that very purpose. Trusting in Him is the first step to a permanent fixing of what is undone about us. Next step He said (John’s Gospel chapter 8 ) is to follow Him by holding to His teachings. Since He said that He has been crucified to pay for the fixes and been raised from the dead forever by God to guarantee and manage them.