
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Next forty years in prophesied light

In scriptures known today as the Book of Enoch, Enoch’s writings foretold seventy reigns of angelic rulers allowed by God in punishment of Israel. This now seems to be the seventieth starting, given that each reign seems to last forty years and the first was at the time of the Ancient Assyrian conquest of Samaria. This in past times saw antisemitic events of worsening scale and Enoch’s prophecy tells us the last will be no different. For governments right now, it’s all about supporting naive, one-size-fits-all rules and minor laws. It’s not about justice for ordinary people. The initiative is moving again to the world’s biggest companies and what they offer governments and large and medium sized companies, irrespective of small companies and of individual rights. This kind of political backdrop has characterised the forty year periods of the last eleven cycles as many believing Jews and other believers have been killed in persecutions. As the beginning of the last forty year cycle of angelic rule unfolds we will probably see similar events to those of Nazi Germany between the wars but this time on a global scale.
It is recorded in the gospels how the Son of Man spoke indirectly of the Book of Enoch when telling the Sadducees about the dead being like the angels, neither marrying nor giving in marriage, and that this the Sadducees did not know, the Son of Man said, because they knew neither the scriptures nor the power of God. The only scripture to tell of the angels not marrying is the Book of Enoch. Likewise the Holy Spirit power of God inspired brother and disciple of the Son of Man, Jude, to quote the Book of Enoch as true prophecy. Today the Holy Spirit still speaks mysteries in tongues with interpretation that relate the same words of the Book of Enoch. This too is the power of God we ought to know lest we greatly err.