Comparing the Book of Enoch and the Apocalypse of John (Book of Revelation) we find several future uses of lakes of fire for judgement and doing away with grievous offenders. First Enoch tells us about angels who oversee persecutions of Israel, twelve angels in particular. These are thrown into a special lake of fire in one place on Earth. Then a second lake of fire will appear (which is figuratively called Gehenna in some teachings). Enoch and the Apocalypse each describe how judgment will be passed to sentence people to this lake of fire. Enoch tells us it will be by whether people have spiritual sight or not. Those who don’t (“blind sheep’ as the prophecy puts it) will be done away with in the fire. The Apocalypse of John has the Son of Man’s description of this, the one who will exercise this judgement, and a key factor to determine this fate is the 666 ‘mark of the Beast’ as it is known. Comparing these two descriptions it seems plausible to me that the mark is a test of spiritual sight. Those who are spiritual blind (even though religious’sheep’) will receive the mark but not those who are righteous and whose spiritual eyes are open and alert and discerning enough will refuse it even though threatened by the Beast system with death. So the eyes opened sheep will escape this lake of fire. In the gospels there is further clarification saying that spiritual ‘goats’ are distinguished from ‘sheep’ by how they ignore the needs of disciples of the Son of Man and these goats too will suffer the lake of fire (“weeping and gnashing of teeth”). The last lake of fire judgement is mostly described in the Apocalypse of John (but alluded to in the Book of Enoch) when after a thousand years of Christ’s rule all the dead and living people who were characterised in life by deeds of lying, murder, idol worship, druggery, and other such acts are cast into the lake of fire too. There is much description in the Book of Enoch of how the sighted spiritual sheep and other sighted spiritual ones who are not judged so severely are going to gather willingly to God’s house and have fellowship with God and His Son forever.