
Friday, 12 June 2020

The Hiding Away

The first half of the Book of Revelation describes a period of frightening ‘apocalyptic’ plague. It starts with warning shots of four horsemen of the apocalypse. Then comes two waves of massive global pandemic, angelic in nature. The first wave kills nobody but the victims wish they were dead because of pain. The second wave kills on a huge scale by three kinds of death at once. During the four horsemen build-up there is sudden panic of awareness of apocalyptic events becoming imminent, preparing the world for these two waves of angelic plague. People rush to hide. The global events we see in 2020 put this in a new perspective not known before to the extent we now know it today. Everyone shutting themselves away on a global scale is something with which we have become familiar now. The panic is not as extreme but we have now received a foretaste. Now we shut ourselves in houses. We never thought such lockdown on a global scale was possible, yet it is real to us today. In this Revelation prophesied event everyone will shut themselves even more away by taking to caves and almost inaccessible hideaways. This has happened before in history. Around 3300 BC there was a time when people sought refuge in caves so hard to reach in mountains that only recently did anyone manage to get to those places and there find items these people left there, such as the Nahal Mishmar horde of ancient magic alloy implements. It was extraordinary the lengths people went to to escape something. They also dug hideaways underground. It was possibly the time of what Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch call the Nephilim: Rampaging massive sorcerers of partly angelic parentage. So this future apocalyptic, global panic might be like that panic long ago. Suddenly people will realise the apocalyptic prophecies are coming true and imminent. They will hide from God. Then a few signs will follow as angels identify those who are to be protected from the two waves of final pandemic. Then the first wave will be like a pandemic we see today but will be supernatural and only a plague of miserable illness, not death. Then the second wave will be three-fold in its deadliness, colour coded red and blue and yellow: red for fire, blue for smoke, yellow for sulfur. Injuries and deaths will accompany such a plague as you might expect from something like wide-scale, global volcanic cataclysm. All this precludes the geo-political apocalyptic events of the rise of several totalitarian empires called ‘beasts’, last of which is global in its reach and imposes the 666 ‘mark of the Beast’. Then Christ will return.