
Saturday, 16 January 2021

Christ is one person, not two

I believe the truth the Book of Enoch teaches, neglected in Christianity since the Council of Chalcedon, is that Christ Jesus is one person, a divine person (although not the Father, the one true God) and yet a human being. The Son of Man. 

Very importantly the Book of Enoch does not say there is a Triune God, nor does it say the Son of God is two persons in hypostatic union, so it shows up the errors of Council of Chalcedon. The Son of Man about whom it prophesies and who the Book of Enoch says lived with the Lord of Spirits, His Father, even in Enoch’s time of going into Heaven, five thousand years ago, before Abraham was born, is believed by churches who preserved the Book of Enoch to be one person, not two, who is both divine and human.