
Wednesday, 27 January 2021

The Holy Spirit and the Book of Enoch

 The manifestations of the Holy Spirit have two major characteristics: He causes the uttering of mysteries and the knowledge and wisdom He imparts is that of Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ. In both of these key ways in His work you find truths also found in the Book of Enoch. So it helps to know the Book of Enoch or to read it having experienced the Holy Spirit. The mysteries of God are found so prevalently in the Book of Enoch because Enoch had this same Holy Spirit as gives utterances of mysteries today, so there is major overlap between what is in the book and what the Holy Spirit says. The Lord Jesus had deep knowledge of the Book of Enoch so when the Holy Spirit takes what is known by Jesus and makes it known to believers you find plenty of overlap with the truths in the Book of Enoch. Shunning the Book of Enoch is foolish because those who do this are shunning the Holy Spirit too.