I guess just like an atheist, I’m curious. Curious about myself, whether I believe. Curious about what kind of faith is necessary. Curious about God or whatever is meant by God. I was raised to preach but at one point realised I probably didn’t really believe. I had a crisis when in a foreign country whose language I could barely speak. So I sought faith, real faith. I had a personal pursuit of it. Eventually I started praying hard. Then things started happening. I had a vision and was told to build the temple. I asked for confirmation and got it indubitably. I assumed preaching was how to build the temple which is the church. But I did not have real knowledge of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit so how could I preach? I asked God over and over to show me Himself and the Son and Holy Spirit. The gospels had taught me that only those who obey Christ get blessed like that so I tried to obey every command of Christ in the gospels which I could understand well enough to obey. Then when I thought to the best of my knowledge I was doing that I asked earnestly to see God. Then one night He came to me and stood there in a dream so real. What He told me is what happened the next day so I knew it was no mere fantasy dream, it was a vision of God. Then weeks later Jesus met me three times. Then the Holy Spirit. It was what the Holy Spirit said that turned my life around and gave me a message. I’ve been following through on that same message for twenty years. I found the message in the Book of Enoch first time I came across the book perhaps a few months after all this. I saw the Book of Enoch in a Christian bookshop and opened it and there were the words, pretty much just as the Holy Spirit said them. I started writing about my subsequent research into the book, starting a ‘Geocities’ website about it not long after the internet became accessible. Later I started writing in a Google blog instead. I keep that blog going plus several Facebook groups about it. A fair few followers. It has led me to a purer form of Christianity. Similar to what is found in Ethiopia. Miaphysitism.