
Thursday, 1 April 2021

No accident the cross

No accident that Jesus died on a cross. First the prophets for centuries had foretold a coming, suffering One anointed by God, chosen by God, given by God to relieve the guilt of Mankind towards God and help those who seek to get right and live right. Secondly, the preaching of John the Baptist echoed this message and pointed at Jesus as this One, and that God sent Jesus, the Christ, as a Lamb to be sacrificed. Third the miracles done by Jesus speak volumes and provide God’s witness statement about His Son, this Christ. Fourth, this very emblem of a cross is the ancient cuneiform symbol + which meant a sacrifice for settling a debt, sometimes to make way for both atonement and an oracle. Fifthly, the resurrection shows the sacrifice provided by Jesus’ crucifixion is accepted by God and makes Jesus exalted as Lord in the eyes of all. The Lord, in that Jesus overcame all, Rome’s imperial power, Israel’s power, sin’s power, even overcoming death itself, by God’s power. Now ever living and there to lead those who believe it. In all this, God made way for the provision of the Holy Spirit to all who believe and seek to get right and do right by God.