If I tell you that Jesus warns that many of you will die a liar or a murderer, perhaps not judged as such by other liars and murderers, but still, die as one and have it on your record. That Jesus wants you to not die like that and wants you to believe He exists in all times, including yours now and future, to help you avert it. That these problems along with similar ones like ending up an adulterer with that on your name, or other such tarnishings of your name on your death bed, are the purpose of Jesus having come, to provide a way out. It is religious so will you repel it? It is vital to learn the actual teachings of Jesus and hold to those. Jesus taught that the real God is the Father and that Jesus is the Son. Don’t let Roman theological philosophy confuse you. Reading John’s gospel might help. Over time, holding to the teachings of Jesus, Jesus gives knowledge of what He and the Father are like and first hand experience of the Holy Spirit. No need to worry about the Roman Hellenistic theology philosophy. Getting to know God is possible. I’ve had a share of it so I could tell others. God is the one who is just pure spirit, rather austere, very understanding and kind, in mind-bogglingly great authority, even over Jesus. Then Jesus is human Son who is the overcomer. That is why we call Jesus, Lord. His overcoming of temptations and worldly powers and even death gives Him Lord status, given by God whose power raised Jesus. He overcomes and He wants disciples who overcome like He did. He is the same now as when those first disciples met Him after His resurrection. Then the believers have the Holy Spirit among them, in them, producing wondrous signs and teaching with a continuation of Jesus’ teachings. Scripture assures we are on the right track and gets us on to that right track in the first place. Useful to have the testimony of pioneers who went that way before and whose veracity was proven over time. Think of the villagers who heard the Samaritan woman testify that Jesus had told her everything she had done. They went and got direct experience of Jesus then said to her “We believed because of what you said about Him but now we have heard in for ourselves and believe.”