
Friday, 2 April 2021

What, Jesus a Unitarian?!

I’m pretty sure Jesus is a unitarian of sorts: He said it so often that the Father is both His God and the disciples’ God , and that even He, the Son, must worship God and serve Him only.  I say He seems to be unitarian ‘of sorts’ because Jesus knew with certainty that in spirit He existed before Abraham was born. Because His existence is real at any time in history, He assuredly said of Himself “I am”.  The truth of His statement “I am” is true in any historical concept, which is the significance of His use of that tense. He is now. He is yesterday. Last century. A thousand years ago, He is. Five thousand years ago. Next year. A thousand years from now. Aeons from now. He is. The Spirit of Christ interacted directly with the ancient prophets and even people such as Enoch and Abraham in the most ancient Sumerian times. And with disciples such as the Apostle Paul after Jesus rose from the dead and with disciples still today and years from now.