
Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Do not worry about the times

 We should not be overly alarmed by the events happening globally because we should know that God manages the events of history according to things God writes in heaven, plans made by God who knows the end from the beginning. Our plans on earth might be five year plans, rarely ten or more year plans. God is not limited in the ways we are limited. Our careers last decades. World leaders might consciously align their plans with historical trends lasting centuries. Civilisations might preserve planning of some technologies and practices such as printed text, scientific process, records of important information, measurement systems, military tactics, business document designs such as invoices and receipts and financial ledgers, for many centuries or even millennia. God in heaven manages historic events and trends of nations and kingdoms for many millennia, throughout all human history and far beyond. God foretells His plans by the Holy Spirit and since the earliest times of civilisations the prophets have written many such revelations down in scriptures preserved by noble and holy people until today. Nothing surprises God. We can plan based on recent and historic knowledge with confidence because if anything is going to change in a big way, God will have forewarned of it. If we take our social duties seriously we will inform ourselves of these warnings and foretelling by reading these scriptures and keeping ourselves and each other reminded of them. The Holy Spirit helps too. We can make our plans peacefully without worry. Like Bob Marley’s song so sweetly reminds us, mirroring the sermon on the mount, the little birds do not worry and yet God feeds them so they do not need to worry. This is their message to us too. Glory to Go through our Lord Jesus Christ who taught us who God is and how deeply we can trust Him.