
Saturday, 25 March 2023

What is God really like?

 What is God really like, the God who Jesus Christ taught about? Some reject out of hand the picture depicted of God as being like an old man sitting on a throne, physically able to come down from the remote throne-room residence, down upon the earth. Can we know whether this depiction is true? We have all the historical revelations recorded for us by sages, prophets, chroniclers, and scribes, capturing how God, (the individual being called the Father, Yahweh, Almighty), has made Himself known. There are some who have seen God in dreams in recent times too, in living memory. It all does indeed point to God being that “old man on a throne”, even though we might prefer to assume God is not like that. He is like that. White-haired. Tall and upright. Serene. Majestic. Loving to many. Surrounded by counsellor spirits, elders, angels, archangels, yet needing none as counsellor. Head of Days, Ancient of Days, Old Father Time who knows the end from the beginning and ordains the times, sovereign, high king over all other mighty celestial and earthly beings. Clearly the throne is not where He always resides. He traverses the earth invisibly setting his path in the sea and through space, pitching His tent in the sun, as the psalms say poetically. We might mot know what that means scientifically but we get the gist from what the Spirit reveals. God is not confined to a throne room deep in a high, high mountain, but it is revealed that He does have such a place as a physical residence. When God travels He can be seen as a light in clouds as Exodus literally, not poetically records. He might on rare occasion touch the ground physically and it burst into flame when He does so as we know from Exodus regarding the mountain and the Law. In the future God will truly come down on the earth and Revelation foretells that earth and sky will flee from His presence.