
Monday, 13 March 2023

The message of life

 Which of all the gods is king above all others? The one who provided a lamb of sacrifice once and for all, His very own Son to die for you. This Son, this princely Son of the king above all gods, was taken to a cross of wood and nailed there and watched as he died this sacrificial death for you. You sinned. I sinned. Israel sinned. Sinned by falling short of the proper standards of behaviour for a human being, set by this king above all gods, who was over all the creating of human beings such as us. This king above all gods has put all of that sin upon His Son, the Christ, Jesus Christ. The death on that cross of the Christ who did no wrong and knew no sin, this set aside the wrath of this true God above all gods, once and for all, so that those of us who believe in this Lord who is this Jesus Christ and who hold fast to his teachings to obey them, we can be set free from our sinning by this Son who God has raised from the dead and who now lives forever to set us free and to mediate between us and God, his heavenly Father. Lord Jesus Christ will soon return as he foretold and will come in judgement of humans and angels who overstep the line God has set and who act blindly and lie and hatefully kill without reason, and give themselves to idols and to making drugs to deceitfully intoxicate the world, and fornicate and do vile deeds and live in cowardly dread and live by the sex trade. The Father and the Son will end such lifestyles and put outside the righteous community all who live these ways. We too will die in our sins unless we believe in this Son and hold to his teachings. If we walk in the ways of his teachings we will have the joy of this king above all gods as our God and have His presence in all our efforts to do as these teachings say. The Son too will show himself to us and share fellowship with us and we will have the joy of fellowship with the others who walk in this path. Then he, the Son, will raise us up when he returns so that whether we had died or remain alive till his day, we will be raised immortal to live with this Father and His Son forever. The death of judgement will not touch us, if we live worthy of this calling. He will help us. There is a spirit given by this God to all who believe and this Holy Spirit brings to us the things the Father gives the Son, the hope and teachings and miracles of God’s power and knowledge of the things yet to come. It is written in the scriptures taught by the Lord Jesus Christ which testify about him and encourage us to come to him to learn from him. There is no need for any barrier between yourself and this Lord, and all barriers that attempt to keep you from him can be torn down by commanding without doubting, and God will do it. This is eternal life. The whole of Nature works in its cycles of growth and harmony by the name of this Lord Jesus Christ, its authority and power. You too can share this power if you believe in him and hold to his teachings. He will love you and the Father will love you and will hear your prayers prayed in Lord Jesus’ name. No other name is given among men except this name as the name by which you must be saved.