The famous green shamrock of Ireland and Saint Patrick is not so saintly. Without fact checking this, the story we are taught is how Patrick taught his Irish audience about his understanding of Trinity dogma by saying the three leaves of a shamrock can be a picture of three persons of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. STOP teaching this. This is not how Jesus taught about God. He only called the Father his God. Yes, a man sent by God to judge is a kind of god, especially since the Christ, this Jesus, is Son of God more so than anyone else, the Christ and the Lord over all of the Father’s household of believers, yes. But Jesus is not God. He taught that it is the Father who is God and the Father clearly confirms this Himself, as the miracles Jesus Christ did attest. Stop teaching a three person Trinity God. Learn the teachings of Jesus, the Lord and Christ sent by God, and teach these things, to those who hear us and to our children. Teach truth. The truth of Jesus Christ sets us free from living unprincipled lives, if we believe in the true Jesus and hold to his teachings, those teachings given by God Himself, by the Father.