
Saturday, 21 October 2023

Abysmal events

In the Book of Enoch there are seventy shepherd angels placed over events affecting the righteous and the people of Israel by the Lord God. The last twelve of these seventy successive shepherds are found wanting by the excessive deaths they allow. The beginning of the seventy periods of shepherd influence appear to be the Assyrian conquests around 740 BC. Assuming a forty year period for each shepherd would mean the last forty year period begins around 2020 AD and lasts until 2060 AD. That is a total of 2800 years. The last twelve shepherds would have started 1580 or thereabouts. The time of the first of these ended around 1620 AD. Those forty years were times marked by religious conflicts and persecution in various parts of the world. That forty year period includes the European Wars of Religion, where Catholics and Protestants often persecuted each other. Additionally, events like the Spanish Inquisition and witch hunts also occurred during this time. The last period would have started around 2020, ending around 2060 AD. We are at the start of it. It is already looking bleak in terms of religious persecutions, racial hatred against Russians, and quite possibly a new rise of hatred against Israel and Jews, all echoing the sentiments leading up to the 1940s. The Book of Enoch tells how these last twelve angels overseeing the forty year periods will be thrown into a lake of fire at the coming of ‘the Lord of the sheep’. Biblical writings call an angel leading final Apocalyptic events, an angel of the abyss, Abaddon, Apollyon. We might be seeing right now the start of what the last shepherd will do before their abysmal end.