
Friday, 13 October 2023

The human Jesus

Because the Son is the human mediator with God, he has to be able to stand before God without any mediator himself. That is why it was so important that he have no sin. He has to be, himself, seen as worthy by God. He had to be sinless unto death. He had to live a completely human life without sinning and by obedience and suffering become the one human who can forever directly deal with God with no mediator himself. There is no need for God to feel wrath towards him. With Moses there was a time when God was enraged against him suddenly and his wife had to help by circumcising her husband’s son quickly or God would have killed him. The Son has no such mediation or intercession. Because he is human, we need not have terror with the Son as we would have to have if dealing directly with God. We can understand his teachings and rebukes as human to human, knowing he is capable of compassion and empathy. Yet God speaks to him and he in turn, through the Holy Spirit agency, can speak to us, minister to us, help us. He knows obedient death and now is risen and alive forever to be our mediator with God the Father, our Father and his Father, if we are truly his disciples, believing in him and holding to his teachings. He offered his own blood and body on the cross to turn away God’s wrath, so that we can receive the Holy Spirit and be saved from our sins. This is why the Son’s name is Jesus (Saviour), the Christ who saves his people from their sins. He died for you. Now hope can grow within us when we realise that he is risen from the dead and alive to this very day. God put all His investment in him and shows He finds his Son worthy by having raised him from the dead. We can hope more and more as we realise all this becoming persuaded of it, that Jesus Christ still now and forever righteously mediates between us and God. Christ died for you.