
Saturday, 31 October 2015

Spirit Truth

It is the Spirit who reveals truth that Jesus is from the beginning and, though a flower can grow without Him directly making it grow, all the workings of nature are by the authority of His designation 'Lord'. Likewise stars and planets. He is Lord and has been with God from the beginning and learnt from God the perfect way to please God without any imperfect creation getting in the way so He really does know and therefore IS truth and IS the way. The word. Unpoluted by creation. About to rule that way as God stops hindrances getting in the way of the perfection He can bring which pleases God before He will hand back power to God.

Regarding the Debated Idea of a 'Trinity'

Jesus is Son of God. Even a young person not bound by deceptive thinking can tell you a person cannot be son of themself. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Son of the true God - Son of the One true God. Jesus is anointed by God to rule over us. A spirit denying any of this cannot be from God. There is a Spirit (seven spirits it is revealed in Revelation) from God who does acknowledge all this and those born of this Spirit and led by Him are sons of God. God is truth and no lie comes from the truth - so a spirit from God is the Spirit of the truth who is opposed to lies. No liar is born of God. All this truth was known as truth by believers before lies about it became mainstream and was pushed as truth by churches. Apostacy is not in line with the permanence God requires of His House.

Revelations of Mysteries

Jesus will be king as God has anointed Him. A proverb I remember mentions that the glory of a king is to reveal a matter. People used to ask Jesus in His time on Earth lots of questions about how to have eternal life and please God. The proverb also says it is the glory of God the conceal a matter. God concealed some things even from Jesus like the day and hour exactly when He will give Jesus to become king as He anointed Him to do. There are many things God conceals. But what He gives Jesus we can still ask to be given us if we love and trust Him.

Righteousness By Faith And Not By Law

Because of one work this disciple saw Jesus (risen from the dead) Himself do, this disciple puts his faith in Him. So what is that which is happening to me? I find there is a rigteousness here to be found in the persuit of such faith but not of keeping Law or even keeping the Bible (though I hold to Jesus' teachings as a disciple). What then if people persue keeping Law still and see the Bible or part of it or another canon as a way of extended Law and try and keep it as Law but missing this faith? This won't make them righteous. They might have promises fulfilled in their lives but the best promise is righteousness found by the way of faith in Jesus. The way the truth the life the resurrection who does what He sees the Father doing.

Real Faith

When Jesus spoke it was not only with words but His miracles were also His message and with a special touch - they were miraculous not because of power in Jesus who was weak in a human state but because of power from God who made things happen Jesus could not have done alone and gave Jesus the work itself to do. So the work is a message from not Jesus but God who sent Him. The special touch is what each work meant because each work carried a message and this message must have come from only one person - the person who made the work He Himself designed result in a miraculous outcome - God the Father above the clouds looking on. Now Jesus is above the clouds looking on as disciples do His works still as Henand the Father in Him and with Him works those works in them. But what I find too in seeing His own works by His grace is - He still Himself does works with messages in them from God the Father. The power us still from God the Father in what the Father still gives Him to do from time to time. So it seems to me having seen this happen at least once in my life. He still does it like He used to - showing faith in God and righteously following what His Father does. Jesus the Righteous One of Faith. Lord and now Christ waiting to reign. Hope of all who wait for Him and lean on Him in real faith.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Hope of All the Nations

Jesus Christ was / is anointed and anointings are by nature over the normal nature as a thin layer but in this case not oil, rather spirit, The Spirit from God. His anointing marks Him as chosen by the anointer - in this case God. As such He is the hope of all the nations - of all of us. Soon to reign as king in a reign we all hope for and revere. He has done all of God's will in suffering crucifixion and death so God could raise Him to immortal life from His mortal conceived life: making Jesus Christ the Resurrection. His nature is not just human made immortal, which is awesome in itself, but The Lord by nature too as He came from such glory with God before His birth around 6BC to 1BC. That glory He had with God before they made the Universe together. 

He was seen as Lord and Resurrection and God's Anointed by Apostle Paul (around 25AD to 35AD at a guess). He was at that time seen by the sight of His immense intense glory as light coming from above the clouds that can blind the eyes. Since then others saw Him such as Apostle John who saw 'one like a Son of Man' similar to what Prophet Daniel saw hundreds of years BC. He does have body and apparently still flesh and blood despite being made suitable for 'heaven' to sit by God and rule angels, again like before He came - as was witnessed by Prophet / King Enoch around 3000BC (and recorded on ancient tablets now translated to English and other languages). 

His coming to take His throne will be like lightning from end to end of the Earth's atmosphere and so many know of this and look for it in hope.

Real Jesus

I remember once reaching out at night in darkness pleading that I might be able to touch Him and I did touch someone there behind the head of my bed in darkness who was definitely there in body but I lived alone so I can only believe it was Him. I don't expect it to be believed but it forms part of my faith even though it seems even to my natural mind almost implausible (given Jesus' own teachings in scripture that we should beware anyone saying there He is, etc). Someone recently said similar things in church but I didn't admit to thus experience if mine for decades but kept this Jesus secret. Yet I know it happened and believe it was Jesus and that He has that body I touched.

It Matters What Spirit You Are Of

The right spirit rejects the wrong spirit. The wrong spirit rejects the right spirit. People of one spirit reject people of an opposing spirit. People of dead spirit seem to accept people of wrong spirit but people of right spirit seem to get a tough ride like Jesus does. This even applies in churches but also outside churches. How we think of God and Jesus is influenced by what kind of spirit we have or if we are dead in spirit even. We need to seek first to have the good spirit from God but counting the cost of the rejections it might lead to. 

Evidence of Truth

John the baptist having bones still preserved possibly is a great piece of evidence to help our discernment personally of truth, although a lot seems to me to depend what spirit we have as to how we view things. In case we are not sure whether there is bad spirit influencing how things appear to us we can try to force ourselves into true thinking by focusing on not just canon stuff but true stuff consistent with truth spoken of in canon. We can look at the evidence in John the baptist comparing his historicity with the prophesies in the scripture texts which extantly predate him and especially the one about the Elijah who would level the playing field so to speak - conparing how reports say John the baptist told people to level the playing field by voluntarily narrowing rich poor divide (two coat people sharing with no coat people) and who that was preparing the way for. Mark did this but we don't have the knowledge he had but we do have some evidence now in the texts about John the baptist and the possible bone fragments. Then the DNA sequencibg and how that too relates to Jesus and ultimately to God. And God inspired John to level things like that to prepare so glory could be unobscured by opulence and whose glory is that in history? And God did it evidentially visible to us a little so even we could see it now and we see a glorious Son of God don't we if our spirit is right - a Son showing glory of who ? Think about it - if we see it we see a glimpse of God and His glory - but will we see it? I hope the devil fails to blund us but if he succeeds we have a promise that he will  fail blinding us when we turn to the Lord.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

What are we really saying when we call Jesus the Christ?

Anointed is what Jesus is - the Christ, the anointed one - in the sense David was anointed before He became king. Saul was first king of ancient Israel but God had rejected him due to only partial obedience he had shown to the carrying out of God's instructions so God had David anointed ready to take over when Saul inevitably would eventually die. David suffered greatly under Saul due to the jealousy Saul understandably had for him but God was with David and the Spirit stopped Saul having David killed. With Jesus the hatred and jealousy of others led to His death but God raised Him up and has Him ready to take over as king once Jesus defeats the kings by His coming again to reign. Soon.

Scripture - Permanent Discipleship Described in Scripture

Pondering the book of Hebrews as a book of scripture it struck me how important the Holy Spirit regards permanent discipleship as the way to be part of the spiritual house of God which is permanent. This is why the book says to encourage one another daily. I don't know or keep Jewish Law nor have I ever done so but even as a non-Jew it does strike me that God is looking for a temple to exist forever for His Name and Christ is chief builder of it. So we all do well to become permanently part of it even though we might be non-Jews and not appreciate all that it means. Non-Jews probably get some sympathy that God is doing this when they hear it preached. I knew the Holy Spirit teaches about permanent discipleship and I wondered about it but the book of Hebrews does explain it very well and I love the way it starts - like John's gospel and almost unique to canon Bible books because it says how Jesus and God made all the Universe together and not just planet Earth. This potentially hints at the true age of Jesus like no other Bible scripture (but like the Book of Enoch which I regard as pre-Testament scripture) and the fuller meaning of His eternal life as having begun in the true beginning that even scientist struggle to comprehend - first and last being very first and last therefore meaning endless too. We have the potential in Him to be endless as He is endless and the duty to be that if we are to be part of His Father's House. John 8 records how no temporary servant or slave can be part of God's true household because sons and daughters are permanent so we need the Son to make us permanent if we are to be children of God in His household.

He sees

Jesus who is written of in the gospel scriptures mainly regarding before He died and rose and the events of the crucifixion He endured before His dead body went in that tomb, this Jesus is now alive and wanting people to know of Him and when loving Him to see what He does and become aware of Him so He stands above the stormy sea on His celestial metaphorical spiritual boat and addresses people according to their need and spiritual state - especially those who love Him but need His righteousness because of some lack of it themselves. Find Him by seeking - but love Him and obey His commands and the command to live out His truth and Ge will find you when you call on Him, as will the Father and the Spirit when you seek wholeheartedly.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Turning around

We can turn as we take in truth that Christ died for us and we can turn to become truthful when we know the truth that God supports truthfulness and the truth that the Holy Spirit puts into us the strength we need to testify powerfully when we are honest and truthful in our confession. 

Hating Instruction is Hating Your Soul

He who hates instruction hates his soul. I want truth and ministers in churches can give some of it but often not all of it in their preaching because, I think, they are conflicted. Jesus is so righteous He is not conflicted like they are so looking to Him and seeking Him we find in Him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and in His love and kindness to give it to us as and when we can take it and the exact same with the Holy Spirit (in Jesus' glorious name). Telling truth too is given us by this Spirit of truth as a gift of righteousness that is in Jesus - as an imparting of some of that righteousness that comes by knowing truth that He is truthful snd no darkness is in Gid nor lie.

He is

Jesus IS the way. He IS the truth. He IS the eternal life. Seeing eternal life it is glorious like the northern lights but even more glorious than such a phenomenon. It dispels the clouds of our temporary words, they crumble under the pervasion of eternal life shining through them. There in this eternal life we see that Jesus is its central focus as He IS that life and it is all in Him. The only way we need into this life is Him. He is the way into the life that is Him. God draws us to Jesus and God draws us into Jesus. All truth and grace is from Him and all grace and truth is in Him. We only need the truth that Jesus is to walk in truth and light. We need His righteousness found to come from Him so that itbis He who can give us to do God's will if we buy from Jesus white robes to cover our shamefulness. He promises righteousness if we follow Him the way. Anyone who has experienced the northern lights can bring them back to mind and ponder their glory but if we experience Jesus by seeking Him relentlessly or merely by His grace perhaps even if we do not seek Him then we can meditate on Him day and night remembering what He is like longing to see Him again.

Monday, 26 October 2015

My own testimony about the one true God and Jesus His Son and the Spirit of Truth

It might seem outrageous that the one and only Jesus Christ would notice a nobody like myself to do anything specifically targeting me and I think so too. I too was often hypocritical in portraying my Christian faith and I was a teenager with a habit of making things up to impress peers and unable to stop doing so. I got baptised but that didn't stop the way I behaved - it might have added to the preaching but not perhaps to practice of faith in sanctification as it is called. I kept to the teachings of Jesus but added spurious things like saying that Thomas in the gospel account of Jesus after the resurrection was calling Jesus his 'God' by exclaiming "My Lord and my God" when I had no idea if it meant that at all - now I know Jesus is Son of the God who is the Father and Thomas knew and believed this, despite my dubious attenpts to impress with my theology at an early age. So then Jesus let me be led to a place where nobody knew my background as a pastor's eldest and there I heard the gospel anew and was able to respond to it honestly and admit it cut me to the heart like I never before heard that Jesus Christ died for me. The Holy Spirit entered and gave life to my spirit and power surged within but it taught me truth. The only way for God and the Spirit from God is truth without lies. I found that out there and then and was able to quit the lies having a reason to tell the truth as it was in my conscience - my truth. The years went by and later I learned to obey the teachings Jesus taught and the commands in the gospel scriptures and then it was God spoke to me in a dream and days later Jesus met me in the street telling me in a storm to put down my umbrella and immediately the torrentisl rain stopped and I knew it was Jesus. I asked for confirmation by asking that at that night while I slept a dressing gown on a nail on the wall would be off the nail by the morning. In the night He woke me up compelling me so strongly in my deepest thoughts to get up - and immediately I took thr dressing gown I never normally used off that nail to wear it. I know it was Jesus. He is alive today. Days or weeks later the Holy Spirit came upon me at a church and there was s message in tongues which I effectively heard by the Spirit in English with accompanying vision - telling me Jesus' name of Lordship makes trees grow. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I knew God is real and Jesus is real and alive and the Spirit is real and here. But the words in Revelation - scripture - saying "I am He that lives and was dead and behold I am alive for ever and I hold the keys of death and hades" those words cut it even more to say to my innermost being that Jesus Christ lives having died - having been crucified. It is true and I believe it. I have to pinch myself at the thought He showed Himself to me, nobody, but I believe it.

The Truth of Christ versus the Law of Moses

If you have the truth and you have Christ who IS the truth then you have better than The Law - you have the eternal Son of God who was with God in the beginning and who embodies the Law and much more than that because He created Moses and Israel for whom the Law was made and He IS the word of God having heard from before creation began every word God has said as a Son hearing His Father. To see Jesus is to see all of the Law perfectly kept during a perfect lifetime on earth and much more besides. The Law comes with death because it has to be kept perfectly if it is to be kept at all as a way - so for those going that way it speaks only of failure and death sincs we got it wrong the moment we started. Jesus shows those who look to Him a promise of actual righteousness to be ours plus a promise of eternal life because there in Him  we see that He lives having died and we see a happy willingness to give that same eternal life to us who believe in Him along with that righteousness He has. This is real hope. The Law does not give this hope. The obedience we can have this Way  is obedience to what Jesus actually is - truth - not obedience to endless commands (humans have always shown a very poor track record in even keeping a few commands in the form of Law). The obedience to the truth that is Jesus is a different kind of obedience - obedience we are pulled into by this truth that He is as He is made known to us by good preaching and by the power of the Spirit who reveals Him to us.

The Main Teaching of Jesus Christ

The main teaching of Christ, many, many will tell you, so widely accepted around the world is the teaching of Good Samaritan kindness. God said of Christ Jesus - to listen to Him because He is the One God Himself endorsed as His Son. God therefore endorses the Good Samaritan focus we get from Christ. No need to complicate it further. When a person holds to this they find that the truth of Jesus also teaches that in kindness for us and in love for God, Jesus let Himself be crucified and is now alive again with eternal life. This is enough truth to lead to a person who receives it also receiving from God the Holy Spirit and bearing fruit of this Spirit. All this is enough to bring eternal life even to someone who does not know the Law of Moses or the scriptures which contain it. Eternal life from this eternal Jesus who sees those who are His own and is always kind to them and can give them of His eternal life - this is all a person needs to become an eternal saint and a child of God loving other children of God. The Spirit feeds and leads these people into all the truth that belongs to Jesus.

Practising what we preach

I have to give credit to someone very special to me for metaphorically rescuing me from muggers and from a gutter of the street yet having to repratedly point out my own hypocrisy in pushing scripture yet not obeying it myself. I also owe this person credit for pointing out that others do the same as I was doing - and so are hypocritical too. So many discuss scriptures and give expert opinions on scriptures but do not obey the main tenet of Christ which is kindness to the needy nor do they preach this part of scripture the way Christ did. So many are deluded by preaching scripture and studying it but not obeying it in the main way God entended as Christ showed. "Do this and you will live" He said of the Samaritan who helped the victim of crime. We do well to let people focus just on that and not burden people with heavy loads we ourselves cannot bear. The next main thing is truthfulness of speach and the Spirit teaches that as a primary lesson. At least He did so to me because I had a lying habit. How many have a lying habit! Just these two obediences would be revolutionary when people keep them and would give belivers more sanctification than all the Bible reading and Bible bashing in the world would do.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

How to advise a new believer in Christ's teachings?

Why do church workers and evangelists say to ask Jesus into our lives? To me this seems a very advanced concept not necessarily available to all. He did say if we hear Him knocking and hear His voice at the 'door' to open the door to Him. John heard Him say this in his vision from Jesus recorded in Revelation. I reckon it is addressed to advanced believers who can recognise this visitation of Jesus to them though. Why do people give it as counsel to absolute beginners in Christ though? Was it just Billy Graham who started this way of advising new believers. He came to the UK in the 50s and maybe people picked it up from his visit as counsel to advise to me in the mid or late sixties when I first responded to someone teaching me about the story from Jesus of the rich man and Lazarus the begger. I was told to ask the Lord Jesus into my heart which I did do but was it the best advice to give me at a young age? Not advice to reform my life for God in keeping with the teaching of Jesus I had believed and keep the faith I had gained (not that I would have understood that). I was worried I might go where the rich man went. I know now to look out for people like that beggar outside my house and be kind to them frequently when I can and as I wish to do freely for God's sake in Jesus' name by faith in Jesus and His teaching. Then Jesus does visit and enter my life and show that He is truth and resurrection life making these available to me and I receive truth of Him dying for me and the Spirit sent by God who brings me truth too and makes me hate lies and lying and favour truthfully testifying to co-operate with Him and allow Him to co-operate with me because of this truthfulness. This is reform in faith in Jesus in the will of God and people should counsel new believers in this Way.

A Promise From God Transcendng Words

Jesus IS the way. He IS the truth. He IS the eternal life. Seeing eternal life it is glorious like the northern lights but even more glorious than such a phenomenon. It dispels the clouds of our temporary words, they crumble under the pervasion of eternal life shining through them. There in this eternal life we see that Jesus is its central focus as He IS that life and it is all in Him. The only way we need into this life is Him. He is the way into the life that is Him. God draws us to Jesus and God draws us into Jesus. All truth and grace is from Him and all grace and truth is in Him. We only need the truth that Jesus is to walk in truth and light. We need His righteousness found to come from Him so that itbis He who can give us to do God's will if we buy from Jesus white robes to cover our shamefulness. He promises righteousness if we follow Him the way. Anyone who has experienced the northern lights can bring them back to mind and ponder their glory but if we experience Jesus by seeking Him relentlessly or merely by His grace perhaps even if we do not seek Him then we can meditate on Him day and night remembering what He is like longing to see Him again.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Fisherman

When you pass fishermen who have been busy fishing and have their nets full to overflowing with a huge catch. You see all those fish and the smiles on the faces and joyfulness in the voices of the fishermen and you think how effective their work has been today. That is fish and not so nice for those fish but if instead of fish the nets were saving souls and you were such a soul being saved and Jesus is the one whose efforts and pain led to the catch then you would marvel at His joy and wonder at the effectiveness of His work of crucifixion where He worked in the will of God to lay down life and body and blood and look what He has been catching ever since and the joy He has and the confidence in the method that caught the catch. Faith is still and important part of His method set of tools of catching us and the blood a part of an ongoing attitude of kindness to those who love back and even those who don't but especially kindness and power of faith to those He is catching. Eternsl methods for an eternal fisherman and a predestined to be eternal catch.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Truth and Faith replaces Law and Mere Words on a Page

Perhaps faith is just too far out of reach or perhaps reliable, truthful preaching of the truths of God and Jesus and the Spirit are too scarce for many of the wealthy people in wealthy nations so people reach instead for Law in scripture for their only hope - which is no hope really. It is worth hanging on waiting for the preaching of truth that gives faith because then there is real hope. Prayer and alms giving are a good way to make way for such preaching to reach you. (God regards such things with favour.) Then when such preaching of truth comes and you believe it, reach not again for Law but for the Spirit of truth sent from God. Follow the Spirit's life-giving counsel and don't merely stick with words of scripture on a page but let the words lead you always to truth and belief in what the words tell you of it. Hold to the sayings of the Spirit, yes but let them give you faith and not be just words to you.

Thursday, 15 October 2015


The truth. Well this is what it is all about: Truth. Truth is the way to life. Even eternal life. Lies are the way to just the opposite. Falsehood is the way to death. It only needs to be put aside in favour of life though and it can all change. Truth comes from revelation. It comes from accurate historic accounts by truthful people. The paradox was well known to ancient Greek scholars where a poet says "All Cretans are liars" but he being a Cretan himself: So what made this paradox meaningful? He was a prophetic poet and so "All Cretans are liars" really comes from a non-Cretan source - a Spirit of true prophesy. So a true prophetic spirit can break the stranglehold of lies by introducing truth in a spirit way which transcends the lying of the mouthpiece and audience. The Spirit of Truth therefore brings life into a situation of only death. It transcends the hopelessness of the situation by entering the situation without being corrupted by it. The Spirit comes into the heart when faith overcomes falsehood in that heart which can only happen when another individual speaks by that same Spirit - prophetically. The problem is you need a starting point - a reliable first speaker of Spirit-imparted truth who does not need it from someone else and then a reliable perfect person to impart this to the rest of us: Enter God the Father and His eternal Son from the beginning, Jesus the Christ, the Lord sent by the one true God who inspired Him and trained Him from the very beginning then sent Him to Earth filled with Spirit - the Spirit of Truth by whom He preached. Now the way is made open to all who believe this to receive the Spirit-inspired true preaching (like this) and learn the truth by adhering to the preached word. The power enters the heart that listens to the true preaching and that heart though lying by nature learns truth. The real truth is this: CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. You probably already knew about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ but you need to let it into your heart. Perhaps over and over through your future life. There is more to receive fron God who loved the world so much He sent this only begotten Son of His and gives you more that you need to fully save you. He gives Spirit. Graciously. Receive truth by receiving the Spirit of Truth who God can send you in Lord Jesus Christ's name. Put away all useless, foolish falsehood which is so weak and speak truth when you know and trust it exists and has real power for good and not evil. Live the truth you learn from this Spirit which is a command to you from God leading to love. Obedient love for God and your neighbour which comes from persistent adherence to this truth.