Jesus IS the way. He IS the truth. He IS the eternal life. Seeing eternal life it is glorious like the northern lights but even more glorious than such a phenomenon. It dispels the clouds of our temporary words, they crumble under the pervasion of eternal life shining through them. There in this eternal life we see that Jesus is its central focus as He IS that life and it is all in Him. The only way we need into this life is Him. He is the way into the life that is Him. God draws us to Jesus and God draws us into Jesus. All truth and grace is from Him and all grace and truth is in Him. We only need the truth that Jesus is to walk in truth and light. We need His righteousness found to come from Him so that itbis He who can give us to do God's will if we buy from Jesus white robes to cover our shamefulness. He promises righteousness if we follow Him the way. Anyone who has experienced the northern lights can bring them back to mind and ponder their glory but if we experience Jesus by seeking Him relentlessly or merely by His grace perhaps even if we do not seek Him then we can meditate on Him day and night remembering what He is like longing to see Him again.