
Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Scripture - Permanent Discipleship Described in Scripture

Pondering the book of Hebrews as a book of scripture it struck me how important the Holy Spirit regards permanent discipleship as the way to be part of the spiritual house of God which is permanent. This is why the book says to encourage one another daily. I don't know or keep Jewish Law nor have I ever done so but even as a non-Jew it does strike me that God is looking for a temple to exist forever for His Name and Christ is chief builder of it. So we all do well to become permanently part of it even though we might be non-Jews and not appreciate all that it means. Non-Jews probably get some sympathy that God is doing this when they hear it preached. I knew the Holy Spirit teaches about permanent discipleship and I wondered about it but the book of Hebrews does explain it very well and I love the way it starts - like John's gospel and almost unique to canon Bible books because it says how Jesus and God made all the Universe together and not just planet Earth. This potentially hints at the true age of Jesus like no other Bible scripture (but like the Book of Enoch which I regard as pre-Testament scripture) and the fuller meaning of His eternal life as having begun in the true beginning that even scientist struggle to comprehend - first and last being very first and last therefore meaning endless too. We have the potential in Him to be endless as He is endless and the duty to be that if we are to be part of His Father's House. John 8 records how no temporary servant or slave can be part of God's true household because sons and daughters are permanent so we need the Son to make us permanent if we are to be children of God in His household.